
*Saphira's POV*

I called Lynn, it had been a very long time since I had spoken to her.

She did not pick up the phone. I tried again and again and again and again. "Saphira, just quit it," Lynn Said finally picking up. "No I need to speak to you," I told her. "About what?" Lynn was not amused by me.

"When Ben came back last time, I thought well, I don't know… That he didn't love me and that was the reason why he ignored me all of a sudden. It was so unlike him to just drop me coldly, I just thought that I had never meant anything to him," I tried to get the words right, but it was all a big jumble.

I looked outside my glass window and stared at the Pacific ocean. The waves were calm today, but I was not.

"Saphira, you are kinda confusing me. Benjamin had never said he did not love you, now did he?" Lynn sounded really irritated.