Soon enough...

*Jasmine's POV*

I cried for the longest time. My eyes felt thick and my throat hurt from sobbing.

Benjamin kept wiping away the tears, but the constant flood of tears continued. It was like all the emotions I had been piling up, these last weeks were finally being released.

"Benjamin I am not ready to come back to you," I said looking up at him. Benjamin sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I know, but you will be in time," he said scrutinizing my face.

"Could you please move back my stuff?" I asked him feverishly.

"No," Benjamin's voice was strained.

"You will sleep in my arms, every night from now on," he said in authority.

"What?!" Was he being serious? He did not say anything and only held my gaze. It did not seem it was a subject that was up for discussion. "In your arms?!" I repeated in disbelieve.

"Yeah, exactly," he said in seriousness. I pinched my eyes shut and counted to sixty.