Who are you?

*Benjamin's POV*

As we drove home, one of my palace guards called me.

"They have captured Raina," he said.

I could not swallow. I tried to stay calm and not let Jasmine notice that something was very much wrong.

"Keep me updated," I said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Jasmine asked. "One of my guards." I tried to keep my voice even.

*Jasmine's POV*

The house Benjamin and his family lived in was very modern compared to the palace. Although luxury-wise, it did not lack of anything.

My mother-in-law almost ran to me when we walked in. She held me so close, I almost couldn't breathe. I met his two younger brothers, they looked nothing like him. I was glad that his family spoke Arabic, because although I did speak and understand the English language, it did not come natural to me.