
*Jasmine's POV*

The air surrounding us seemed electric.

I knew who she was. I heard Benjamin sigh. "This is Jasmine. My wife," Benjamin said to the girl, letting go of her hand. She still did not move.

Benjamin looked at me. His face was wet from crying. What had happened here?

"Your wife?" Her voice cracked.

"Yes," Benjamin said in a small voice. He was ticking me off. "Well, we now all know who I am, but who are you?!" I tried to keep my voice as steady as I could manage. I learned from the master of course.

Benjamin looked at her and then looked back to me. "I am Saphira," she said. "His… I am his girlfriend," she said boldly. I was not going to let this get to me. I knew she was just trying to scare me off. Benjamin scaped his throat.

He stood up and distanced himself from her. Finally. "Habibie this is Saphira," he said as he walked up to me. "I have told you about her before," he said as he tried to smile at me. My jaw felt tight.