I lover her more than anyone else

*Benjamin's POV*

"How much did you give her?" I spoke in a calm but deliberate voice. 

"T-T-Two hundred dollars," he stammered. "Wow," I said shaking my head with pouted lips. "You really ripped her off didn't ya," I said staring him down. 

"W-w-what do you mean," he went on stammering. "You know what the watch is worth," I told him. "There are only a few made," I said holding his gaze.

"I will call the cops," he said. "Go right ahead," I told him. "I think they will be very interested in what you bought today. Although the watch is hers, I bet she could not hand you the paper work, could she?" I said in a threatening voice. 

"It was hers," he said in shock. "Yes, she is my wife and has been kidnapped. But you my friend are in deep trouble," I said while taking out my phone and showing him the paperwork online. 

He mumbled something uncomprehensive. "Y-you can have it back," he said. "Just don't call the cops," he said.