Angry wife

*Benjamin's POV*

"And what if Sierra didn't trick us…" Saph went on.

I did not want to have this conversation right now. I sharply blew out. "Saph.." I said. And looked at her with pleading eyes. 

"I need to know," she urged. "I have told you before that I would of married her, regardless." I sighed. "I mean… you said that we would still be together then." Saphira's cheeks turned a little red. "I don't understand," she said.

"Jasmine." I sighed. "Jazz has, I don't know… Bewitched me maybe, from the moment I first saw her," I said thinking of Daniel's words. 

Saphira frowned a little. "I thought you said you hadn't fallen in love before?" she asked when our drinks were served. "Thank you," I said to the waitress. 

"It wasn't like that…" I shrugged. "Then what was it like?" Saph pressed. "Do we truly need to discuss this?" I asked.