The choice is made

*Benjamin's POV*

I shook my head in disbelieve. "Are you serious right now?" I frowned.

'Yes' she nodded. I took a step back from her. "This is utterly absurd… " I said not knowing how to respond. "You will no longer serve me as your wife," I repeated her.

"Was that what last night was like for you? Serving me?" I said skeptically. "Because I thought you and I both loved each other, and showered one another in that love last night," I said shock coloring my tone.

Jasmine pinched her eyes shut. "I am not just talking about intercourse," she said folding her arms across her body. "Besides, I was not talking about last night and of course I love you!!" she shouted the last three words.

"Then…" I said approaching her again. "What are you saying?" I said as Jasmine took a step back in return.

"That if you do not let Saphira go, I want a divorce," she said sharply. I was frozen.