I want a divorce

*Jasmine's POV*

"I will stay as long as you want me to be here," Saphira smiled at Benjamin.

Fine, if this is what he wants. He can have it that way, I thought. Lynn looked at me and I had a feeling that she knew exactly what was going on.

I pretended that I was just fine throughout the game. Benjamin and I hadn't shared a word all evening, when he announced that the both of us, would be going to our bedroom. 

I followed Benjamin up the stairs unwillingly. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I climbed into the bed, Benjamin was already under the covers.

I laid myself down on the far edge of the bed, with my back to my husband. "Come," Benjamin said. I sighed.

"I don't feel like sleeping in your arms right now," I told him.  He said nothing for a while "You are to sleep in my arms in any case," he demanded.

I sighed again, showing my unwillingness and turned around to him. He was bare-chested and opened up his arms.