

Benjamin drying me off, was an awkward event. Neither of us spoke.

We heard a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back." Benjamin said.

I stared at my reflection in the large mirror and looked at the small bump on my belly. I was starlet when Ben returned with a dress bag and some boxes. "What is that?" I asked. "I noticed you did not bring anything to wear." He frowned. "So I got you some." Was the only thing he said.

He took out a pair of jeans with a band attached to it.

"What in the world is that?" I Questioned. "These are called 'momma jeans' and they are supposed to be very comfortable." Benjamin mused.

"And a comfy t-shirt to go." He said cheesy. 

"No dress?" I asked confused. "No.. but I suppose you can go shopping after your tests and buy some new fitting dresses." He half-smiled. 

"The dress from last night seemed a little tight and I had a hard time guessing your new size." He admitted.