Little shrimps

*Jasmine's POV*

"Look at the screen," she told me. I saw a lot of  grey and in the middle there was a black hole with two grey things in there. It kind of looked like shrimps.

"Is that good?" I frowned, feeling unsure. I looked at Benjamin, but he seemed to be frozen. "Ben," I called him.  "Twins," he said in a robotic voice. He seemed to be in a trancelike state.

I looked at the screen again. My eyes grew big. "Those are babies?" I pointed at the two shrimps. The woman chuckled. "Yes," she said almost in a nice tone.

"Are they healthy?" Benjamin gulped. Jade smiled at Benjamin. "Do you see those two little flickering lights," she said pointing at both of the shrimps.

"Mhhh," Benjamin mused. "Those are their strongly beating little hearts." She smiled.  "You are going to be a father Benjamin El-Raji. Who ever thought you would be settling down." She chuckled.