Unwanted guest

*Benjamin's POV*

My phone rang, it was my advisor Ahmed. "Yes," I said as I picked up the phone. "Your highness, we have watched the camera footage and have analyzed the other data," he told me.

"And?" I said robotic. "Your highness we have seen that it was Sheik Saeed who was in your hotel suite."

Everything in me crumbled down. "I will send you the footage," he told me. "Okay," I said and hung up the phone. Lynn stood behind the curtain. I eyed her, but said nothing. What was there left to say? I could honestly not think of anything. I had told my family not to come and they clearly had not listened to me.

"Saphira is here," she whispered. "She is what?!" I hissed. "You all are putting me in danger!" I said angerly.