Flat line

*Benjamin's POV*

I was right to be afraid. The moment we entered the rooftop, we saw that we were not alone.

A man with a gun stood there, as if he was waiting for us. He was wearing a white Arabic robe and a turban. We did not have to look for long to realize who it was. "Sir, you need to get back in the building," One of the guards said. 

Another guard took Jazz's bed and tried to retrieve her back inside. If anything happened.... She could not breathe on her own. She very much depended on the machines she was hooked on. My heart almost stopped thinking about it.

"At last," Saeed said. "Why don't you just let me finish you off and get this over with," he said as he walked towards us. I was frozen in place, while Jazz was already back inside. "Why?!" Was the only thing I could say?

"Why?!" I said again. "Your majesty, get back inside," my guard said. "Leave us," I told them. My guards did not listen.