It is implied

*Benjamin's POV*

Saeed screamed on the top of his lungs, as I heard his flesh tear apart. I felt a cold shiver down my spine, in spite of the heat of the sun.

"Well done my son," my grandfather said as he looked at the camera. I followed his gaze and I sighed. "Arrrrrrghhhhhhh," Saeed yelled again. I felt like I had to throw up and walked out of the arena. 

Yes, he was getting everything he deserved, but yet I felt like the bully. No, that was not a good enough description of what I saw just a few moments ago. I felt like a Tiran.

Stopping this, would make me seem weak. So I had t toughen up and get back to my grandfather.

The moment I returned, I heard Saeed scream again. My stomach twisted when I heard his bones break.

My grandfather looked at me questioningly. "I had to make a phone call," I lied.

My grandfather nodded and looked at the show in front of us.