Not a real Arabian Sultan

*Saphira's POV*

I pouted my lips and placed my hands stubbornly on my hips. Not all Arabic men wore dresses. I had never seen Benjamin in one. "The Sultan does not wear a white dress!" I said confidently.

The guy slightly shook his head and then looked at me. "The new sultan," he began to say and looked me straight in the eyes. "Is not a real Arabic man," he said in the same confidant tone.

"That is really ridiculous." I shrugged. He tilted his head to the side, still looking at me. "No it is not and I guess that you know that I am right," he said meaningfully. "You are one of his friends from America right?" he stated more than he asked.

I pointed out my chin. "Then what does it take to be a real Saudi man?" I said incredulous. "Arabic norms, values… it is a way of thinking… a way of living so you will," he offered using a lot of hand gestures.