Not all men

  *Benjamin's POV*

"Hey Darling," I kissed the temple of her face. "Hey my love," I said as I brushed my nose against her cheek. 

Her beautiful cat-like green eyes were staring at me. A smile twitched on the edge of my lips. 

I kissed her nose and cupped her face. "How are you feeling?" I asked her. Jasmine did not reply. 

"Mhh?" I breathed. Her gorgeous eyes seemed unfocused. "Is she okay?" I asked the doctor. 

The man came closer to us. "She is breathing on her own, you see," he said as he pointed to the screen. "Do you know where you are Jasmine?" the doctor asked her.

Still no reaction from her. I looked at the doctor pleadingly. "Habibie, please say something," I begged of her. Nothing.

The doctor took out a little lamp and she followed it with her eyes. "Curious," the doctor mumbled.