She is awake

*Benjamin's POV*

"Shhhh…. Habibie… shhhh…." I said trying to wrap my arms around her. "Hush Habibie… shhhhh…" I said stroking the sweat off of her face.

"Shhh… little pea… please calm down," I soothed her. Jasmin's sister was standing near us. Her stomach showing her pregnancy. I could not help but feel the pain. I did not know if seeing her like this would be good for Jazz. 

Jasmine was franticly trying to get out of my grip. A doctor came to add medicine to her IV. "Is that to put her down again?" I asked.

"Yes," the male doctor said. "Then don't!" I said harsher than I meant.

I knew from experience that she did not know what was going on right now anyway. I did not want her to go back to sleep again. 

I planted my lips against her forehead, holding her in an iron grip, and started to sing to her.