She must never know

*Saphira's POVI*

I tried to hide my grieve. His eyes warned me not to go there. "I need to know that you will be alright, now that I am leaving," I said.

I did not know where that came from. I was in no position to leave. "You're what?" he slowly questioned. I bit my lip.

My news seemed to work him up. I saw that he tightened his jaw. "You are not leaving this palace, it is not safe for you to be out there," he demanded. 

"I don't think it is good for me to stay here either," I told him. It was the truth though. "I get that," he said bluntly. 

"You are right," he said making me feel even worse. 

"But that does not mean that you are able to leave," he reminded me. 

My heart broke. 

He did not want me here and he was not even hiding it. "Jasmine will kill the both of us," he said under his breath. I did not know if he was talking to me or to himself. My chest felt heavy.