
*Benjamin's POV*

I should not have done what I just did. 

This day felt like it had lasted forever, and was full of terrible choices. I was afraid that these choiced would haunt me for the rest of my life.

Kissing Saphira was the most stupid thing I could do of all. I do not know what possessed me. I did not dare to go and see my wife. My conscious was eating me alive.

This was exactly what Jasmine had meant. 

The trouble is, that I had lied to myself about my feelings for Saph. No, they were not that all-consuming kind of feelings that I had for Jasmine. I burned for Jasmine. She was everything I wanted, and I knew I could not have. She always seemed to be out of grasp for me.

Saph was like the opposite. She was nothing like the woman I had wanted, but she wanted to give herself to me completely, without any hesitation.