
*Benjamin's POV*

"Evangeline, we were always on the beach," I said reminiscing. We had such an easy time together…

"I was laying in your arms..." she went on. "Like always," I added. She smiled. "Don't blame me, I feel at home in your arms," she said looking into my eyes. 

I broke off the connection, because it became too much and scraped my throat. "I mean.. that day when you told me that you were going on an exchange," she said meaningfully. I had told her we needed some space, because I had such a hard time controling my hunger for her.

Her face fell again. I remembered that… "My grandfather told me that he wanted me to finish the semester here," I told her, gazing into her eyes. "Weren't you ever going to tell me?" she asked. I knew she meant my identity.

"I was… I was going to ask you to marry me by the end of semester," I admitted. "Around this time.." she sharply breathed out, realization hitting her with a blow.

"Mhh…" I mumbled.