Make yourself worthy

*Benjamin's POV*

I could no longer hold this back for her. 

Jasmine had every right to know that I was unfaithful to her and she had every right to leave me.

I was sober now, so I had no excuse. 

I sat before her, on one knee. Jasmine was still unaware of what was happening, and I had a hard time getting the necessary words through my lips. 

"Ben… I will never leave you." She sighed. "Come on.. get up… " she said touching my face. 

I could not. "Habibie," I breathed. My hands trembled. I was going to lose her right now. "I have kissed her," I blurted out. 

Jasmine raised her eyebrows, her huge eyes seemed like they were going to pop out of their sockets. 

"You kissed who?" Jasmine said in a very scary calm tone. I did not dare to look at her, as I pronounced her name. "Saphira," I shrieked in a high pitched tone.