If anything

*Benjamin's POV*

I gently bit her lip playfully. 

Jazz seemed frustrated that I did not give her what she wanted. I smiled at her and her eyes were starting to get unfocused again. 

I trailed my hand down her chest, raveling in my view of her. Like she was made of the thinnest paper, I stroke my fingers up and down her left breast. 

Now I was the one that was being hypnotized. "You are incredible," I murmured. 

I needed to keep in mind that we had just lost our children and Jasmine's body needed to recover from that. 

I decided to give her what she wanted. I helped her up a little, so that we sat across from each other. Her cat-like green eyes held mine and I kissed her. First slow and sweet. One hand held her face, so that my other hand was free and had the privilege of roaming her body.

She felt so good under my hand. A moan escaped her lips and that was my cue to spice the kiss up.