Chapter Two


"You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life" I whispered to my wife Julie who looked so calm in her beautiful sleep.

We met four years ago at a diner and  I instantly fell in love with her. Growing up I didn't think there was a possibility of love at first sight till I met Julie. She looked so innocent and fragile. I had the urge to protect her and damn, she was hot. The mixture of her looking innocent and fuckin' sexy attracted her to me immediately so I walked up to her and I insisted on having her number. Well, she was a bit rude but I got to know her more then I found out that she was an angel in human form. She was really sweet and fun to be with so I asked her out. We dated for two years and we've been married for two years. Looking down at her soft and white skin I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her so I traced kisses from her shoulder to her neck. Yawning and rubbing her eyes she stretches out her hands and hugs me tight.

"Morning babe" she mumbled.

"Morning to you sweet, hope you slept well," I said as I kissed her cheeks and her lips.

"Mhmm" she responded and returned the kiss.

"Well, I was planning on going to the hospital today. I have an appointment with Doctor Kat" she said and rolled out of the bed.

"Your breakfast will be ready soon honey," she said and kissed my left cheek before she left the room.

Well, I was just about to stop her from going out of the room by pinning her down under me because I had a serious hard-on but I remembered that I was almost late to work and I needed to be early enough so that I can finish up the documents that Sara my assistant brought in yesterday evening. So I stood up and left for the bathroom.

I rushed my shower and came downstairs to have my breakfast and leave and I met Julie looking at her phone with her palm over her mouth as she stood in the living room.

"Babe..what's wrong?" I said as I rushed over to her, then she looked up at me with tears rimming her beautiful eyes.

"Hon..honey," she said with a hoarse voice filled with emotions.

"Baby talks to me what's wrong" I repeated while I held her shoulders.

"Honey, I'm pregnant..we are pregnant honey," she said as the tears dropped from her eyes. Okay well, this is good news, the best news in my life because we've been trying to have a baby all along and I was so happy.

"For real! Baby is that why you are crying this is great news" I said as I drew her into a very tight hug.

"It's tears of joy honey. I'm gonna be a mother, you'll be a father. Honey, we'll be parents. I'm happy. This is all I've ever wanted-a baby" she said as she cried her happy tears on my shoulder.

"Well, baby I'm late for work. I'd have loved to work from home today but Sara gave me some important documents I need to look into today" I said as I released her and looked at her beautiful face again.

"No problem honey, I was supposed to meet Dr. Kat but she sent me my test results already saying she's going out this morning and will come to the office tomorrow. So I'll just stay back and work from home." She said then she kisses my cheek.

"I'll be home, early baby, we need to celebrate our pregnancy right? I said as I kissed her mouth and headed for the door when I remembered that I didn't even get to eat breakfast so I rushed back and stuffed one pancake and bacon into my mouth then washed it down with coffee and this left Julie laughing out loud as she called me a foodie. "Well baby, I love our food and I love you," I said and hugged her one last time as she whispered "I love you more honey" then I left the house.




I was so excited about my pregnancy and I couldn't wait to tell my mum and my elder brother Ken. Heading towards the laundry room to do laundry I failed my mum's phone and she picked it immediately as if she's been waiting for my call.

"Oh my baby!" she said all happy and giddy.

"Ma..." I said.

" Oh dear how are you," she said and I could feel the happiness in her voice. Mum was always cheerful that you could hardly tell when she was low and she tried her best to make sure we were happy too.

"Mum. I'm pregnant" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Oh my you pregnant? Jeez that's... you are saying that I'm gonna be a granny soon? Wow! I'm happy for you baby" she said and this time she laughed. Well, I was ready for this and I couldn't wait to tell Ken or mum could play that role just fine by announcing my pregnancy to him. I couldn't wait to be a mum. I was in deep thought and didn't even realize that I had placed my hand on my belly till my phone rang again, looking at the caller my shoulders fell because it was work calling me out of my beautiful thought.

"Hi, Camille," I said into the phone. "Hello Julie, I'm sorry to disturb you but please can you check what I sent to your email right needs immediate attention," she said as she hung up. Well, she's the badass bitch I work for and she could have known better than to still add to my already bulky job even though I told her I couldn't come in today. I was undisturbed and couldn't wait for Alexander to come back from work. I have to fix an appointment with Doctor Kat so she could examine me and I bet Alexander wouldn't want to miss any of my appointments with the doctor.