Chapter Three


"Oh, my" Lia said as she released herself from my hug and covered her mouth with her palm then she searched my eyes with her already puffy eyes. I know what she was looking for. She wanted to know how I felt about the pregnancy. Well, I was indifferent about my situation, I wasn't happy but I wasn't sad either. Worst of all was that I haven't heard from my baby daddy for a few days now and it seemed he just decided to avoid me when he doesn't even know that I'm pregnant for his child. Everything was just so fucked up. Her hug was what brought me out of my thoughts then she spoke with her voice cracking at first.

" Who is the dad, does he know?" She asked all concerned. I felt hurt because I didn't know what to do about this situation.

"It's Justin's" was all I managed to say then she tightened her hug for a sec and released me to look at my face again which was already drawn then she asked again.

"Does he know that he knocked you up?" Looking back at her I think she read the answer from my face which made her hug me again then I sniffed and began telling her how he's not been picking up the calls and how I've been leaving messages on his voicemail and how I felt that he was trying to avoid me and how helpless I felt. I blabbered for some minutes about my problems, my pregnancy, my sick mum who was still at the hospital, my low-income job which would not be enough for me to cater for my mum and my unborn baby. I was already diving into depression mode. She stood up immediately and stretched out her hands towards me.

"Stand up, we are going to his house," she answered because she noticed the way I looked at her. First of all, she hasn't said anything about how she warned me to steer clear of Justin because she could see no good coming from him. I knew she was just trying to be good and not judgemental. She was a bit angry but I didn't know what the actual reason behind her anger was. Was it for me or herself? I stood up and headed for my room to change my clothes so we could go over to Justin's, I was scared. I don't know how Justin would take this news and this uncertainty scared the crap out of me. I was scared of the future, my future, my unborn baby's future. Stepping out of my room wearing a sweatshirt and denim pants with flip-flops on my feet I folded my hands and looked at Lia who nodded in approval so I stepped forward and we left the house.

"Shit!" Lia spat as we approached Justin's house and I looked up. Okay, so I know now that I'm going to be a single mum from what I'm seeing here. I felt nauseous immediately and I just swallowed back while my eyes stung like crazy.

"I just want to let him know that he has a baby, that all," I said to myself trying to console myself. Reaching the doorstep Lia rang the doorbell, nothing. She rang it again, twice, thrice before we started hearing footsteps from behind the door as the person said some curse words while approaching the door. The doorknob turned from inside and as the door opened, Justin was there. Standing at the door legs apart with surprise on his face he folded his hands and looked at me. I know he's shocked I'm here. We agreed that I won't come to his house without informing him but I had no choice I have been calling and messaging so showing up unannounced was the only option. Now his gaze shifted from me to Lia who just looked indifferent.

"I've been calling you," I said stopping him from talking as he opened his mouth to talk.

"Oh" was all he said.

I know we weren't anything special, we were not even dating so why am I feeling so terrible for his cold attitude towards me. Looking back at me I just wanted to be done and be at my house, I was on the evening shift today and I needed to tell him fast and go home to prepare.

" Baby I'm waiting can you hurry up?" a female voice shouted from one of the rooms which cut me short from what I was about to say. I felt disgusted and angry with myself. Like I wasn't even expecting a woman to be inside there because we saw a woman leaving his house when we came. Justin was a dog! And it took me to be pregnant for him to see it.

"I'm pregnant" was all I could say as I looked at him waiting to see his reaction.

"Wow," he said smiling as he unfolded his hands and held the doorknob.

"Wow!, you knocked her up.." Lia said. And I watched as the color drained from his face..laugh out loud, he's shocked.

"You told me you were on pills you lying bitch" he said with a hushed tone and I could tell he didn't want the other woman inside to hear our conversation.

"Funny enough I don't know how it happened but I found out a few days ago and that's why I've been calling but it seems you are avoiding me so I decided to show up here to inform you that you will be a dad soon," I said as I tilted my head to hear what he wants to say because it was now clear that he was red with fury. Now he shocked me.

"Suzy, you think you can hold me down with pregnancy? I'm sure that baby isn't whore. If u can't find who the dad is, you can easily free yourself from that bondage by having an abortion now it's not yet showing" he said and I felt really weak. I knew it would turn out like this but all these insults? Whore? Lying bitch? I wasn't expecting any of that.

"Justin you... you scumbag, I knew you were no good for my friend and I was wrong to think that you will have the decency to take responsibility for you to mess " Lia shouted and I cried. I was a fool. Lia's voice made the impatient woman inside come to the door and she looked at us then turned to Justin to ask him what was going on when Lia continued her rants.

"Young lady, is he your man? If he is, I advise you to drop him now cuz he's no good. He's an irresponsible, cheating bastard. Leave now while you can or he'll break your heart and leave you high and dry" Lia said to the chick who looked at Lia with her mouth wide open then Lia took my hand and we turned to leave when she turned back and spat"Fuck you Justin" before we left. Now I know what I'm really into, very deep shit. I had to go home and prepare for work.

Entering the living room, I sat down with my head in my hands.

"Suzy, I'm here for you baby, I could follow you to your appointments with the doctor, just tell me what to do." I felt guilty, Lia came to me for me to console her but now the tables are turned and she warned me against this, if I had listened to her I wouldn't have been in this situation. I just nodded my head then she hugged me and said she had to leave as she had work to do. I was grateful for the help and I also needed to prepare for work too so I just told her goodbye and kissed her cheeks before I closed my door. I needed to go to the hospital too to see my mum and also tell her that I was pregnant. Within a few months, my life now was total upside down, not what I ever imagined. All thanks to pills malfunction, I'm pregnant for someone who doesn't even give a fuck if I was alive.