Chapter Four


 Oh boy, being pregnant wasn't an easy task at all. Julie was already seven months gone now and it's been a hell of a ride I prefer the baby-making part of all these. I followed her to her appointments with Doctor Kat, we did the sonogram together, I helped her with stuff like making the baby's crib, painting, and decorating her room because we now know that our baby is a girl though haven't decided on any name yet. Whenever I came back from work, I massaged her legs because it seemed like her legs were looking swollen now and she has already changed and was looking more motherly with her swollen belly, her breasts which became Fuller now, her hips were also more rounded and damn my wife was hot even when she was pregnant. I was worried lately for some reason and I wanted to ask Dr. Kat some questions about my wife. She began acting strange lately and even had to move out of our room. I'm a very sexual person and I understand that Julie is not as sexual as I am, we made love a few times during her early months of pregnancy and I could deal with it but recent since her third month she just seemed to stay away from me and I don't know why. When I asked her why she had to move out of our room all she could say was that it didn't feel right to have sex when there's a baby inside of her. Like pregnant women do have sex, I know that and that's the reason why I was meeting Dr. Kat tomorrow without Julie. I was starved, most nights I end up masturbating while my wife was in the next room away from me when she could have been here with me. I'm a good husband or at least I try my best to be a great husband, and I still don't understand what I did to her and why she was now staying away from me.


Now sitting in Dr. Kat's office, I felt weird because I was about to discuss my sex life with this woman. I had no choice though.

"Mr. Alexander is there anything I should know because you seem a little off," she said as she settled into her chair. I told her of my wife behavior recently and she was not even surprised or she chose not to act surprised, so I went ahead to ask her if it was wrong to have sex with my pregnant wife because she said it doesn't feel right and has moved out of our room. She looked at me for some time and I began to wonder if she even heard me or was I sounding crazy.

"Mr. Alexander, it's not wrong to have sex with your pregnant wife, if not it's even advisable for a pregnant woman to have sex from time to time but you should know that everybody differs," she said then she relaxed into her chair and spoke again.

"Well, I've told Julie that there's nothing wrong with that because she complained to me about this too, but she insists that her mum says it's not right. And I'm just a doctor, I can't force her to do what she doesn't want to do." She concluded. Okay, first of all, I came here and I was expecting to hear that it's normal or that her body doesn't need much now, this wasn't one of the things I expected to hear like even in my dreams I didn't expect this. Then this is so fucked up. So all this while she was staying away from me because of one fucked up theory her mum told her. I was so angry, at Julie, at her mum, but mostly at Julie, I can't believe she's doing this because her mum told her to. I felt betrayed, I was now beginning to question if she even loved me. I just headed to my office. I couldn't bring myself to go home, I was disappointed. I needed to distract myself then I stood up from doctor Kat's office and mumbled a low thank you while I headed for my car. Getting into my car I drove to my office. I needed to do something to keep my mind off what I just heard.

As I entered my office, I sat down and looked through the files that Sara kept on my table but I wasn't even able to concentrate. I just picked my phone and dialed Kevin's number. Kevin is my best friend, he's been my friend since high school and now he was more like a brother. I just needed to be distracted for some time I needed to talk to someone, and that someone is Kevin because he understands me a lot and that's why we've been best friends ever since. Funny enough, my parents don't support my marriage, my mum always complained that Julia was too cold and boring to be with, she couldn't even have a proper conversation with her. Julia too complains that my mum is loud and she doesn't think they are compatible. I still loved Julia but I was disappointed that she would listen to her mum's silly advice and deny me sex for nothing.

"Hey, can I come over to your house?" I asked when he picked up. "Alright," I said then I stood up and took my keys.