Chapter Five


Seven months have gone by already. How time travels fast is amazing. Here I am a full-blown expecting mum. My body has changed a lot due to the pregnancy, I was a bit fatter than I was not like I was even a fat person but I just added a little bit of flesh now which made me look more beautiful than I've ever looked in my entire life. My baby bump was now out to the world to see. Oh! My mum, I had to tell her the dad of my baby was willing to take care of everything. I had to lie. My mum became sick while I was in high school and she's been sick ever since. She's been in the hospital and was becoming worse as the day passed. I couldn't afford to worsen her case by telling her that I was going to end up as a single mum just like her. It would break her heart and even worsen her health. She suffered from partial paralysis and there was no hope of her getting better so the doctor said he just needed to keep her stable. Lia was my knight in shiny amour, she helped me a lot as she promised, we went to the doctor's appointments together, she also followed me for the sonogram and yay! I'm having a baby girl. She made sure I ate well with her daily quote of "Eat as much as you can, another beautiful girl is growing inside of you."

I felt blessed to have her by my side. I wasn't feeling alone and abandoned with Lia by my side. At work, Linda and Georgia were always there to help. They are my very good friends too and felt bad on hearing that Justin denied the pregnancy. They were working with me the day we coincidentally met again in the store and we exchanged contacts after I gave him what he bought which made them rush over to where I was and ask me where I knew him from. Okay, I know I thought I couldn't get over Justin when we were in high school but now I was totally over him. He's absolute trash to me right now but I don't regret this baby because I'll love her with the last drop of my blood. There was no need to live in regret. Justin had shown the type of person he was right from when I set my eyes on him again since after high school but I was so infatuated, to see it, what a fool I was, thinking I was in love and he could have feelings for me. Now it hit me that he knew I liked him and he seized the opportunity to just have me.. opportunistic bastard. He seemed so sweet at first, made me swoon, swept me off my feet with all those fake affection and love. I should have known better when he told me I should make sure I call him before coming to his house and as foolish as I was I agreed with the mindset that maybe he was always at work. Little did I know I was in the hands of a Playboy who didn't want me to know that he had many other girls he was playing the same game with.

"Hey babe", Lia said drawing me out of my thoughts then I looked up and smiled at her.

"Up for dinner with me?" she asked as she tilted her head towards the door I nodded happily as she sat down to wait for me. I was mostly on evening shifts and the store was about to close so I just rounded off and said goodbyes to my colleagues then came to where she was sitting. She looked not so happy and I wondered what was wrong but here isn't the right place to ask so I just stretched my hand out for her which she took willingly and we left for our favorite restaurant 'Bubba's.

Bubba's has been our favorite restaurant since we were little and we came here often, more especially on our bad days because we always left there being cheered up. We were quite popular there and Bubba who was the owner of the restaurant was so good to us since we were kids. I came here a few times with Justin and he was all "this is way below my class" kind of attitude. He's a total douchebag. I needed to focus my energy this evening on making Lia cheer up so please Bad energy be far from me. As we walked into the restaurant it was as full as it could be, every booth was filled, typical bubba's. I sighted Bubba from where we stood and waved at him which he returned with a smile on his face, then I took Lia by the hand as we walked up to the counter so we could wait for one booth to be free.

It was my turn to be a pillar for Lia. My best friend was sad and it was about time I know what's bothering her so when I asked she teared up immediately. Oh my gosh! Strong Lia was about to cry, this is not a good sign. Between the two of us, she was stronger at heart and seeing her tear up so easily meant that something bad happened.

"Suzy, a booth just cleared, Lia baby, you don't look fine," Bubba said interrupting me as I was about to say something to Lia to console her which made me look up at him "that's why we are here Bubba, to make sure she leaves here cheered up. Please bring us one of your finest meals" I said as we headed for the booth we were shown. I know one of Lia's remedies to a sad day was food. She was a happy foodie which is the reason she always brings me food with her "eat up, you are growing a beautiful girl inside of you" quotes and I felt that good food will cheer my girl up again.

While we sat and ate, I reached out across the table and held her hands in a comforting way, she held me back.

"I'm going through a hard time, trying to forget him, and to know that he's engaged with his model friend who he swore was nothing to him makes me very angry at him right now," she said.

We were both going through trying times in our lives right now and I just wanted us to have fun and forget the fact we were heartbroken and hurting, So I ordered a beer for Lia, I couldn't take one because of my pregnancy and when Lia had loosened up a bit because of the beers she had, we talked and laughed and made fun of men that kept glancing towards our booths.

"Fuck you, Justin and Elvis, suck on your mum's tities for being such a loser" Lia shouted and I laughed so hard that my tummy hurt. She was pretty light-headed now, it was time for us to take our leave so I called Bubba who helped us find a cab.

"Bye, Bubba, and thank you for today," I said while we entered the cab. "Anytime gorgeous, take care, Lia," he said and waved at us as the cab drove away.