Chapter Six


I pressed the doorbell and within a few minutes, Kevin opened the door so I just walked in and threw myself on the sofa.

"Dude, what's up? How does pregnancy feel?" he chuckled then he offered me a beer which I accepted so he went to the freezer to get them, one for me and him too. Giving me the beer I took a large gulp and set down my bottle then he went ahead to ask me what the problem was because I know he saw it on my face that I wasn't alright. When I opened my mouth to tell him that Julia has refused to have sex with me since her third month and had even moved out of our room, he burst into a very loud laughter and almost spilled out the beer he had in his mouth. I was disturbed and sad. Then I told him that all these attitudes were because her mum told her not to have sex with me while she's pregnant as it doesn't feel right to fuck when she has a baby inside of her.

"Like can you imagine?" I asked feeling so helpless about the situation. "Kev?" I said and he looked up from his beer bottle to look at me, now the laughter was gone, he felt sad for me. I was deprived of this one thing from my wife because her mum whispered some nonsense into her ears. "What should I do? I'm confused. Should I confront her?" I asked. He's the only person I could talk to right now, he understands how I feel now.

"Dude, calm down, I'm sorry that I laughed, it's not funny but she's your wife, just take it easy on her at least for the fact that she's carrying your baby, talk to her about it, but be calm, okay, its a phase dude, when she's delivered of the baby, I'm sure things will get back to normal," he said and pressed my knee slightly to reassure me.

Kevin was the wilder one between the two of us and that's why he's still unmarried till now but his answer to my question shocked the living hell out of me. Well, thinking of it, I think he's making some sense here. I will confront Julia and tell her that she shouldn't have moved out of our room because her mum told her such things and It's just a phase, she'll get over it once she's delivered her baby I just have to be patient with her. I was still disappointed though but I will not let it come in between me and Julia, we are about to become parents, she was carrying my child so I should at least be considerate during times like this. With this, we changed topics from business to sports to his girlfriends till it was late so I decided it was time for me to go home. I was so happy that I had someone like Kevin that I could talk to. Sometimes, he had better reasoning than me. Especially in times like this when I was too emotionally juggled up to think straight.

"Thanks, man, I owe you one," I said as I stood up. He stood up too and shook me, then he escorted me to the door where we said the last goodbye then I headed towards the car that I parked along d street.


When I stepped into my living room, Julia was working with her laptop then she looked up and greeted me with a smile as she stood up from her chair to meet me. I hugged her tight and kissed her cheeks before I released her and shrugged my coat off my body.

"I'll make dinner." She said as she went over to the kitchen and I followed her. I needed to talk to her. As she was preparing macaroni and cheese, I just sat on the breakfast bar looking at her.

"What?" she asked smiling when she caught me looking at her.

"Baby," I said with a hoarse voice then I stopped and cleared my voice before I continued

" I want to talk to you," I said still looking at her. "Honey, you know you can talk to me" she answered now standing in front of me holding my hands.

"Can you be honest and tell me the reason you moved out of our room?" I asked now looking at her directly to her eyes. She removed her face from my gaze. She grew cold immediately.

"Julia, I'm your husband and I need to know the reason you moved out of our room," I repeated. My voice was calm but I was angry. I hardly called her by her name since we got married. And she knew I was angry now. She slipped her hands from mine and moved some inches away from me. Oh, God! This was real.

"I can't have sex with you, Alexander." She said with her head up and looking to the window. "And why is that?" I asked to clench and unclench my fist.

"Alexander can't you see that I'm fuckin' pregnant?" she said in a harsh tone. Oh my God, I didn't want this. I didn't want an argument with Julia.

"Baby, you started avoiding me since your third month." I said looking up at her then I continued " I met Dr. Kat today, and she told me some fucked up stuff your mum told you. But for chrissake, I'm your fuckn' husband, you should have talked to me about your decision instead of moving out of our room, I thought we were in this together?" I said. She didn't say anything, she just went over to the gas and switched it off.

"I just wanted to let you know that I respect your decision if that's what you want, but if u just did this because your mum told you to then it's fucked up," I said and headed over to my room to change my clothes, then I came back out for dinner. We ate dinner in total silence then I cleared the dishes after we finished eating and decided to do some work in my office.