Chapter Seven


Lia was going through her down moments these days because she found out that Elvis her ex-fiance who was engaged to her before was now engaged to a model. How he could break their engagement easily and propose to another person within a few months was alarming. I know my best friend Amelia. She just needed to get over Elvis fully and I didn't want to get her all worked up, after all, I had Linda and Georgia at the store and they were very willing to help me out even without me asking. I was almost due. My time was coming close and I could feel my baby moving in my belly most times. Sometimes I had to say things to her as if she could hear me. I felt more connected to her as my pregnancy was becoming due. I was very eager to see her, to see what she looked like, to show her the unconditional love I promised her, and to have a beautiful life with her.

My mum was deteriorating day by day and I felt really bad about her situation. She could no longer talk and was almost in a coma. The hospital bills were piling up and I swear sometimes I felt like ending my life. Now I'm having a baby and I'm going crazy thinking of what to do about my debt issues. The store I was working at was even going down little by little so I didn't even have the balls to ask for a raise in my salary. Justin wouldn't even want to see me and at least if he took responsibility for our baby, I would not be so worried as I am now. I didn't even have many friends.

Lia, Linda, and Georgia were the only friends I had and I couldn't ask them for financial help because they all had their shit which they were going through and I didn't even like the idea of disturbing people with my problems or being a burden to someone. I was on the afternoon shift so I had to prepare and go to work.

Everywhere was very busy with people going about their business and the sun was cool. I was busy with the customers and now I was tired so I tried to seat down.

"Good afternoon madam," a male voice said. I looked up and my voice was caught inside my throat. Holy Molly! To think that Justin was the most handsome man of ever seen, was insane. In front of me stood the most gorgeous, sexiest man I've ever seen in my entire life. Justin was 5'8 in height while I was 5'6 but this demi-god standing here was a complete 6. Damn! He was so handsome, with brown hair that wasn't short though it wasn't long it was enough for me to run my hands through it. His lips were so beautiful and all I could think of was that lips all over my body. Was I thinking about this, right here, right now?

"Can I have a painkiller?" he asked bringing me out of my dirty thoughts. I was pregnant for chrissake, he probably wouldn't even think of me twice. I just gave him what he wanted then he paid and I asked him his name and number so I could write it in the records book he told me the information I needed and left the store. Oh my gosh! He had a tight beautiful ass. He had a beautiful name too, 'Alexander' I thought while I smiled to myself. He must be working out. His body was magnificent and I wished I could meet him again. I need to get a grip on my feelings. I was standing in that store pregnant because I let my feelings control me and now I was looking at another man and just thinking of how good we could be together. I was going to tell Lia about my encounter with Mr. Sexy Alexander.

I was feeling a bit uneasy, my legs were seriously aching and under my stomach was hurting. I sat down for some minutes and I still wasn't comfortable. Beads of sweat broke out from my forehead and I just kept running my palms on my laps. Georgia and Philip another of my colleague were the people I shared the shift with that afternoon. Philip saw that I wasn't comfortable anymore so he called on Georgia who came to me as fast as she could.

"Don't you think you are in labor?" she asked.

She was scared because she didn't even know what to do or what I wanted. I just sat quietly and bit my lips while I was rubbing my hands continuously on my laps. Very sharp pain bit through me and a tiny groan escaped my mouth. I wasn't due yet, I was supposed to be next week. What was happening to me? I called Lia immediately and told her that I wasn't feeling good and I was still at my workplace.

A few minutes later Lia arrived and I was crying out in pain now

"Suzy, you are in labor, we need to go to the hospital now," she said as she held my hand and rubbed my shoulder with the other hand. She and Georgia helped me up and we headed towards the glass doors of the store. She was going to take me in her car so we went to where the car was parked.

"Uh, oh my water has broken" was all I could say as I felt the warm fluid flow through my legs.

Now I needed to be at the hospital because with this water broken, my baby was no longer safe in there. Lia drove as fast as the wind and I was in the backseat of the car with Georgia holding my hands as I moaned out of pain and cried. What was on my mind was just how I needed to be free of this pain, I needed the baby to be removed from inside of me that was all I could think of at that moment. Immediately we reached the hospital, Lia called the nurses saying it was an emergency and I was carried in with a stretcher. I guess I couldn't walk again now and I felt weak in my legs.

I remember the doctor telling me to push as hard as I could. Yeah, I tried my best and the next thing, she was out and I collapsed back to the bed feeling very weak. Within a few minutes, my beautiful baby girl was in my arms. I think I cried and smiled together while I watched her sucking on my breast like she's not eaten for ages. She had my blonde hair and I couldn't see her eyes yet because they were still closed. I loved her so much and she would be a part of me forever.