Chapter Eight


I left the convenience store feeling awkward. The pregnant lady that attended to me looked at me in a strange way and it made me uncomfortable. I needed to go back to the office and the headache I was having already subsided as I took the painkillers. I made it to the office then I sat down and looked at the time I still had time left before I could go home. So I called Sara and asked her to check my schedule. She told me all I needed to know that was important. My phone rang and it was Julia that was calling. Maybe she needed me to buy her something on my way back home. When I picked up the call, her voice was low and a bit strained then she told me to come back home because she thinks she might be in labor.

What? she wasn't due yet, I thought the birth date was supposed to be next week or so. I just scampered around my office restless and all and took the things I needed then hurried home with my car. When I entered the house, she was in the living room walking up and down. It was very clear that she was uncomfortable and I felt pity for her. I came to her and hugged her and assured her that nothing will happen. It's just a normal something. She just continued pacing around the living room and smiled at me sometimes. She was trying to let me know that she was doing well. She was a strong person and I loved her so much. I just wished it was possible to share the pain. I didn't even know what next to do. I was helpless. I just placed around with her. Some minutes later, she let out a little groan and tried to sit down on the nearest chair. I held her on her shoulder as I assisted her to the chair. I rubbed her back as she was now panting as if she was in a race. She was strong and I could see that she was seriously in pain. Now she was sweating and I was in full panic mode.

"Should I call the hospital yet?" I asked but she said it wasn't yet time.

I was wondering when it would be a perfect time because seriously I felt like the baby was almost out.

She was sweating now and still groaning then she stood up and started pacing around now rubbing her underbelly with her palms. I needed to call Kevin over so he could help me. After a few minutes, I saw Kevin's car in front of the house. He came in and greeted Julia who wasn't even interested because she was focused on bearing the pain she was feeling. She kept moaning painfully at intervals. Kevin didn't even know what to do, we were just inexperienced men in panic mode, I just called him to keep me company.

I had to call Dr. Kat. She asked when it started and the spacing between each minute she was having contractions. I didn't know it was even necessary to check the time she groaned in pain. When I told her that I wasn't checking it, she told me to do so and I could now bring her to the hospital if the contractions were two or three minutes apart.

I and Kev started checking on her as Dr. Kat had instructed. It slowly reduced from seven minutes apart to five minutes apart and later it became three minutes apart. While we were contemplating if we could go to the hospital, she groaned and told us that her water has broken and she needed to be taken to the hospital immediately. I helped her up and led her towards the door while Kev helped with opening the door and helping me get her seated in the car. She was now so restless and she just kept on panting and saying

"Take me to the fuckn' hospital' Julia was never vulgar with her words and for her to sound that way, I was scared and wondered if something bad was happening inside her. I couldn't drive, I was not even in the perfect state to be behind the wheels because I was seriously panicking and my pregnant wife in labor was making me scared to death with her actions now. Kelvin drove the car while I stayed with Julia at the back seat trying to calm her with the soothing words I was saying, but it seems like the pain was unbearable for her now and she held my arm so tight that her fingers dug into my flesh and almost gave me wounds. I could endure that, it was nothing compared to what she was feeling and she was about to be delivered of our baby girl. I was excited and looking forward to meeting my child. When we arrived at the hospital, Kevin called the nurses immediately and they came back with a stretcher and carried Julia into the labor room. I followed suit while Kevin waited at the reception.

I don't know what happened or how it happened but I heard the doctor say "Julia, please can you push now as if it's the only thing you are good at?" Julia screamed and it was followed up with a baby's loud cry. Oh my God! that was my baby girl. She was so tiny and was covered with grey mucus all over her body. I held Julia's hands who was now lying down on the bed weakly with her eyes closed and I kissed her on her forehead. While some nurses hurried to clean her and the baby up others cleaned the room up while the doctor took note of her weight and other stuff that they check after childbirth. I was just focused on my wife and my lovely baby girl. I was officially a Dad now.