Chapter Eleven


I was really going crazy. Now I was so desperate to find any job so that I could at least pay my mum's hospital bills. Lia already took care of our feeding and other expenses at home and I could not bother her with more of my problems. I just continued my job hunt and as the days passed it proved to be more futile. I cried most times at night because this situation was absolutely unbearable and I was totally helpless. When I resolved in myself to take care of this baby even as Justin washed his hands off it, I did not expect it to be as bad as this. I already begged the doctor in charge of my mum to bear with me and he gave me a specific date to pay in if not my mum would be cut off from treatment. For a moment, I thought of going over to Justin's house to beg him for money but I decided against it immediately. I was not going to bring myself low again. I did not even want to have anything to do with him ever. I decided to continue my job hunt.

The next day while Lia was out for work, I decided to carry Katie out for a bit and maybe see if I could do anything to get me some money. As I walked along the streets without any destination on mind, I came across a diner that advertised for a help needed. Without even thinking twice I rushed into the diner. Sliding the glass door quietly, I peeped in, my eyes went straight to the counter and I met gray eyes. He was probably in his late twenties and looked so cute. He smiled at me when our eyes met and continued with the coffee he was mixing for a customer who stood in front of him. The diner was not really full but it was not empty and I felt like I was welcomed here. I entered with Katie strapped before me to my chest while she slept peacefully. I walked up to the counter and stood behind the counter. When the customer left, I stepped up in front of him smiling and that's mainly because he smiled at me first. Well, I was desperate, I could have smiled even if he didn't.

"Good day gorgeous, what do you want us to offer you this beautiful morning?" he said still smiling. His approach was very cool. He could push someone to order more than planned with this attitude and I would have fallen for this strategy if only I had money on me because right now, I was totally penniless.

"Please I will really love to see the owner of the diner." I said to him and he flashed his smile wide now.

"Oh, you have him here darling, what can I do for you?" he said as he spread his arms to say that he was the owner of the diner. Really, I did not expect it. I was so young. It's really a wow.

"Oh! Right, okay I came in because I saw the advert you kept outside saying you needed help." Anyhow, I just hope he understood what I'm here for and I hope it will be positive because this was me trying out with the last piece of hope in me. He looked at me with surprise in his eyes. I know he wasn't expecting it.

"Okay gorgeous, you want to apply for the job?" he said now looking at Katie. Oh no, I hope he at least hears me out. I was willing to take on any job right now.

"Come with me" he finally said when I didn't give him any reply, then he called on one of his workers to take up his space while he attended to me. I followed him to the office that was on the hall.

"Sit, please." He said as he brought out the chair for me then he went over to the other side of the desk and sat. He looked at me and Katie for a some time, probably thinking of how to tell me I was not right for the job because I was a nursing mother. I could cry if he even said that to me now.

"Why do you want this job?" he asked with his fingers inter-laced under his jaw as he stared at me. I told him how I was in desperate need of the money I could get from the job because my mum was dying and would be cut off from treatment if I don't pay up in the given date. I begged him to offer me the job and promised not to disappoint him. He just stared at me as I blabbered for minutes unending, telling him that my baby won't be a distraction to me and I could join in as a waitress at the diner if he wants.

"I'm giving you this job for some reasons, I've seen how much you really need the money and I can't say no to you when u have a baby strapped across you and a sick mum at the hospital, make sure you stick to your promises gorgeous. We will discuss about your payment after the days work. When do you want to start working?" he asked. Was he really kidding me.

"Right now, if it's possible. And I will stick to my promises boss." I said then he stood up and I stood up too as he went towards the door .

"By the way I'm Steve, gorgeous. Call me Steve." He said. "Okay, Steve, I'm Suzy. Thank you so much for this opportunity." I said smiling then we went out to work and Katie just continued her beautiful sleep as if she knew that mummy was working now.

I went home in the evening very happy and giddy. Lia was preparing dinner when I came in with Katie and I told her of how I came across Steve's diner and how I begged him to offer me the job because I needed the money. She was so happy for me and she came over and took Katie who was awake, looking from me to Lia before she smiled. My baby could sense that I was really happy and she was happy for me too.