Chapter Seventeen


Can I talk to you for some minutes?" I said to Steve, few minutes after he came to work. I came earlier than him because I was on morning shift today and it was a good thing because I could get to tell him that it was my last day of coming to work. Everything happened so suddenly. Like about three weeks ago, I was desperate to find a job and now, I'm moving to a second job that actually pays a fortune. It was a really good one that I could not let pass me by.

"Sure Gorgeous, we can talk in my office or do you want to tell me this thing here?" he said and I pointed towards the office and he nodded with a smile and started going to his office while I followed him. I sat down on the chair while he sat down behind is desk and folded his arms then he looked at me, waiting for me to say what I wanted to tell him.

"Steve, I'm so sorry but, I'll quit working at the diner." He was surprised at what I said, I felt terrible but it is not my fault that I found a better opportunity that was going to pay me better. I was taking a risk but I hoped that it will turn it just fine.

"What's wrong gorgeous, are you not comfortable here?" He asked and I shook my head. He looked at me as if he was trying to understand what I meant.

"It's not you, Steve. I love this place, I love how comfortable I am here and the love I and Katie receive from you guys, it's…tremendous. I wish I could stay longer, but I was offered another job with a huge pay and I really need the money. I planned to work here too as I did the other job, but unfortunately it requires my total presence. You remember the guy I sat with almost all through yesterday?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Okay so, he lost his wife and his baby girl is rejecting dairy milk. So I'm going to be a wet nurse to his baby. I fed her yesterday, you saw when I took her inside, and the poor girl has been going hungry since her mum died. I could not just look away when I saw the little girl sucking on her thumb, sad and hungry, I took pity on her and she reminded me so much of my own baby so I decided to be her wet nurse since her dad's effort to find a wet nurse was already futile and the pay was good enough and attractive and I really need the cash." I said, trying my best to explain how complicated things were for him to see reasons why I could not work at the diner again.

"I understand gorgeous, I just hope you will love your new job. I wish you the best of luck." He said smiling. Of course I'll love my new job, it was just all about me, feeding Kasey and doing for her things her mum would have done for her. I believe it will be easy for me since I also had a daughter that is almost the same age as she is. Just as I was deep in thoughts about my future job he stood up

"Come give me a hug girl." He said now opening his arms and laughing. I stood up from my chair and hugged him.

"We will really miss you and Katie, gorgeous. Make sure you visit us at least once in a while" he concluded then he released me from the embrace.

"We are still friends Steve, I'll surely visit and I'll make sure to call you now and again. I'll never forget how you gave me a job when I was about to give up on my job hunt, and how you guys took I and my baby in as family."

I said as I smiled at him then we walked out to continue with our different works.

While I was busy serving the customers at the diner, my phone rang and I went too the workers room where Katie was sleeping and took it out of my pocket. My face lit up when I saw the caller and I answered it immediately.

"Lily, good morning." He said. His voice was so cool and sexy. I smiled at myself. My subconscious girl did a summersault. Dumbass.

"Good morning Alex, how are you doing?" I asked and played with my apron. I was really blushing just because I was speaking with him, what was happening to me? "I'm cool Lily, I hope you are doing fine with Katie too?" he asked of my daughter too. Shit! He is the real deal here. He did not just care about me, he cared about Katie too. I flushed hard.

"Sure, we are fine, I hope Kasey is eating." I said and he replied immediately then he asked me about how things went on between I and Steve and when he could come to take me so that I could bring I and Katie's stuffs over to his house.

"I'm on morning shift today, so when I'm done for today I will call you okay" I said to him and he agreed.

"I will be waiting for your call then" he said before he hung up, then I smiled and went back out to continue working.