Chapter Sixteen


"Bye suzy, I will see you tomorrow" Alex said to me as I entered the cab he found for me. He was actually a very cool guy. I had pity on him when he was telling me about what he was passing through today at the diner. It must be very hard for him since his wife died. One of the major reasons that I took on the wet nurse job was to get closer to him. I was attracted to him, right from the very first day I saw him at the pharmacy and now, this was a very perfect opportunity for me to get to know him more and to be honest, I was really liking him already. I had a sudden tendency to just be there for him in every little way I could. I wished things could work out fine between the two of us.

The cab stopped me in front of my house and I came out, with Katie strapped to my front. Alex already paid the cab driver so I just thanked him and went I to the house. I could not wait to tell Lia about today and ask her how my mum was because I begged her to visit my mum at the hospital when ever she came back from work today.

"Hello, is anyone home…Lia?" I said when I got inside the house because everywhere was so quiet that I wondered if Lia was even at home.

"Suzy, my love, how are you?" she said as she came out from her room with a towel wrapped around her body and another towel wrapped around her head, then she walked up to me and carried Katie from me.

"I'm fine, Lia, I had a very great day" I said smiling at her.

"Dinner is in the kitchen love, and what's up, what happened today, you look like you won a lottery." She said while she rocked Katie forward and backwards.

"Sit down baby, it's not something we can discuss while standing." I said then I sat down on one of the sofa. She looked at me like I was a stranger then she sat down. I told her of how I met Alex when I was pregnant before I went into labor and how he came to Steve's diner with his baby. How he complained about wanting a wet nurse for his child because her mum was dead and she refused dairy milk.

"So, why are you so happy about it?" Lia asked.

"Okay, first of all, he is fuckn' sexy and hot. Then I offered to be the wet nurse to his baby and Lia, not only will I get the chance to be with him because he asked me to move in temporarily until I'm done with my job, but I'll be rich by the time I'm done with this job. You know how much I need the money for my mum's bills." I said as I faced her.

"So you are really moving in with a stranger? That you just met twice? Do you know where he lives?" she said. Oh boy I didn't even think of it that way. I did not even see him as a stranger anymore.

"I just wanted to help him, his daughter was hungry Lia, please. I'm moving in tomorrow, will you help me out? And yes, I've been to his house, yesterday too. And damn! His house is fuckn' beautiful. You need to see it too. I'm quitting Steve's, I need to talk to him about it." I blabbered and she just looked at me smiling.

"Suzy darling, there is something you are not telling me here. Do you like him? I mean Alex." She said and adjusted Katie on her arms.

"No!" I said sharply. " I just find him attractive and all, I don't like him the way you are thinking." I said. She just nodded her head and smiled again.

"By the way, why did you have your bath so early, are you going out?" I asked to distract her from my own topic.

"Oh my gosh, I'm late already. I have a date tonight and maybe he has been calling me, don't worry, I'll tell you about it when I come back okay ." She said and gave me Katie, I just nodded my head and smiled at her then she hurried off to her room to get dressed. I sat in the living room, breastfeeding Katie when my phone rang. When I saw the caller, I smiled. Why was I even smiling.

"Hey, Lily did you get home safely?" Alex voice rang out from the phone. I frowned a bit, Lily? Oh my gosh, am I sure I'm not making a huge mistake by moving in with him? I thought to myself.

" Sorry this is not Lily." I said trying to be polite when my anger was already beginning to boil.

"Is this not Suzy Hart?" he asked. Okay, now I was confused. Why did he call me Lily at first.

"Yes, I'm Suzy, but you said Lily when you called." I said to him and he laughed, did I say something funny? Maybe I sounded funny.

"I know you were confused, I couldn't to a pet name for you so I checked up the meaning of your name and I think I'll hold on to calling you Lily from now on. I like it, don't you? If you say you don't, I'll stop calling you that" he said. I smiled shyly as if he was looking at me right now. There was something about him that was breathtaking.

"Oh no no no" I protested. " I love it, it's perfect." I said now blushing. I don't know what was going on between I and Alex but I definitely loved this and I just don't want it to end.

" So, I will take it that you got home safely then?" he said. "Yeah, we are good. Thanks for helping me get a cab. And thanks for checking up on me and Katie." I said still blushing hard before we said our goodnights and I kept my phone.

"You like him, Suzy. See the way you are blushing. You are red all over." She said bringing me out of my blushing session. I did not even notice that she has been looking at me.

"No, I don't. He called me Lily, said it's his pet name for me. Why won't I blush, did anyone ever give me a pet name?" I said then I pouted and looked away from her. She burst into a fit of laughter.

"Girl, you never even blushed for once when Justin called you, even though you claimed you had a crush on him since high school. But see you here, you barely know Alex and you are blushing because he called you Lily. Girl! You like him but you can deny it all you want. I won't force it on you. I have a date to run to, how do I look?" she said  turning around for me to assess her. She wore a purple knee length body con gown that had a slit up to her laps then she wore a pointed heels sandals and wrapped her hair in a French bun with a very light make up and red lipstick. She looked so beautiful.

"My dear Lia, you look stunning" I said with a fake French accent which made her to laugh the more before she said good bye and left.