Chapter Fifteen


"Here Sexy, your daughter is well fed now, just rub her back so that it will digest well" she said as she handed a smiling Kasey who just looked from her to me. She wasn't sucking on her thumb. I knew she did it out of hunger. I was very happy that I found her.

"I'm sorry, what is your name again?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm Suzy Hart." she said. She was actually a very beautiful woman, she looked like she was in her mid twenties. I just find it very difficult to believe that she offered to be a wet nurse for Kasey, she said she needed the money. She was actually a very kind person and I was sad that she was going through a hard time, even working while she was supposed to be on her maternal leave. I had the urge to help her. I really wanted to help her and I'm so moved by what she did for me this afternoon because God knows I would have gone home depressed if I had not found her today. Now I felt like she lifted a burden from me. I felt so relieved to be honest.

"Suzy can you sit, we have to discuss about something." I said and she smiled before someone called to tell her that her baby was crying.

"I'm coming sexy, Katie has woken up" she said and then she went to carry her baby. She came back with her baby, I think she and Kasey were almost the same age if not the same. I think she breastfed her inside because she wasted some time before she came out and she was rubbing her back just the way she said I should do to Kasey.

"I'm here now, what do you want to talk to me about, you can tell me anything, remember?" she said smiling. She was the complete opposite of Julie. She always smiled and damn, she talked a lot. She's the type of person my mum could approve of. Why was I even thinking about my mum's approval of her. I just shifted it out of my mind and focused on what I wanted to tell her. "I just wanted us to talk about how much you will charge me for the services and how will this stuff go on. What of when Kasey becomes hungry again, how will you feed her? I don't just know. Do you have any suggestions?" I said and her face changed, I could tell she did not think of this part when she made this decision. She rocked her baby whose head was on her boobs. I myself did not even think of this part. Now we were stuck.

"Could you just move in with me and be a live in wet nurse. You could leave this job. I'll pay you whatever you want. I just want my baby to be taken care of as if her mum was still here. When she's a bit stronger and older you can go back to your normal life with your baby and richer, just mention your price please." I said and she gasped, I think out of surprise. I was surprised at myself too. Where did all these speech come out from. I just looked at her, pleading with my eyes. She looked at me for a long time. I could tell she was thinking of the offer. I hoped she would agree.

"Can I at least think of your offer?, even if I'll have to let go of this work, I think it'll be best to talk to Steve about it, don't you think?" she said. I just nodded, she made a point. I was just desperate.

"I will follow you home and feed Kasey again then I'll pump out my breast milk into her feeder bottle. So if she wakes up at night, you can feed her. Just for tonight okay?" she said to me smiling. She was really a mother, she just displayed that mother instinct right now and I doubt she even knew. I said I'll know when I see the person for my baby. Suzy was really the person. I wanted her to be like a mother figure to Kasey.

I waited till she was done and I took her and her baby in my car as we drove home, I mean my house.

" Welcome to my humble abode" I said smiling at her and she looked around with awe. "Your place is really, really nice. Jeez…you live here alone with only Kasey?" she asked and I chuckled.

"I take it that you are impressed huh?" I said.

"Hell yeah I am, I'm definitely moving in. I just need to talk to Lia about it and tell Steve that I would be quitting." She said and sat down on the sofa with her baby.

"You want coffee?" I asked her as I headed towards the kitchen with Kasey in my arm. "Sure" she said and I went away to get us coffee.

When we were done with the coffee, she took Kasey from me to breastfeed her so I left her to do her thing and went upstairs to my office to see if Sara sent anything to me. I called Kevin and told him about everything and how I told Suzy to move in with me to be a live in wet nurse. Crazy Kev he was just screaming on the phone, saying he needed to see this wet nurse of mine. I don't blame him. He's a man whore. He's my best friend though.

"Are you done?" I asked as I came downstairs. She was cradling Kasey who was fast asleep in her arms while she laid Katie on the sofa.

"Where is her bedroom?" she asked me smiling. I took her to Kasey's room and she laid her in her cradle then we came downstairs. "Okay, so I pumped some milk into her feeding bottle, it should be enough for midnight and morning. I have to be on my way now, Lia must be worried." She said as she carried her baby.

"Wait I can drop you off…Fuck! I can't leave Kasey alone. I forgot for a second that I was alone. I'll help you get a taxi real quick. I can't let you go out alone by this time." I said to her and she smiled and nodded her head like a little girl. I loved her vibes, really. Just this few seconds of her being here made my home lively. She was definitely the one and I hoped deep down inside of me that she wouldn't change her mind.