Chapter Fourteen


"Gorgeous take this to that guy over there with a baby" Steve said to me after I laid Katie to sleep, pointing towards the direction of the customer. I looked at where he was pointing at and nodded to him that I have seen where he was pointing at. The man had his back to us so I could not see his face, but I could see he was carrying a baby and he was talking to someone on the phone, maybe he was telling the mum of the baby where he was. I carried his meal and walked towards his booth smiling. When I reached his table, I looked at him and I froze for some seconds.

"Oops! I know you…" I said to him as I served him his food. He looked up at me and continued his phone call.

"I couldn't find any wet nurse for Kasey. Kevin, I'm going crazy right now. Kasey is getting weak from hunger, and I feel so helpless about it" he said to his caller. I just stood there waiting for him to finish his call.

His baby girl just stuck her thumb in her mouth, and with what he said to his caller, the baby girl was hungry. Maybe he was gay because I heard him say Kevin, and now they want a wet nurse for their baby. When he was done with his call, he looked back at me and I smiled at him.

"You are Mr. Sexy Alexander right?" I said smiling wide. I remember wanting him the day he came to buy painkillers before I went into labor. He just looked at me confused.

"And how did I get to bear Mr. Sexy Alexander?" he said with a serious face.

"Oh! I'm sorry, it's what I remember you for, do you remember me?" I said hoping that he could remember me, I looked towards where Steve was and winked at him so that he could give me more time with my customer. I was not letting him go without noticing me this time.

"No, I don't." he said. My face fell immediately and I lit up just immediately.

"I was the cashier at the pharmacy few months ago,.. remember, painkillers. You may not recognize me now, I was pregnant then." I said smiling almost immediately as he looked at me from head to toe as if he was assessing me then recognition sparked on his face.

"Oh, now I remember you, you were the weirdo that was looking at me as if I was your last meal." He said and chuckled slightly. He was sexy as hell, it's a shame he is gay but his baby looked so hungry and unhappy just sucking her thumb.

"I did not know you had a baby. She looks just like you but she doesn't look happy, what's wrong?" I asked. I was really concerned, I really wanted to help him out. I just felt this sudden tendency to care for him, hug him and tell him everything will be alright.

"Hey, gorgeous" Steve called at me immediately Alex opened his mouth to talk.

"I'm coming Steve, customer care." I said to him and winked at him with a smile. I and Steve were friends now and he understood me so well and was so good to me that I begin to think that he's to good to a fault. Well it's his goodness that got me this job when every other person rejected me because I'm a nursing mother.

 "I'll be right back Sexy." I said before I went over to answer Steve.

I came back to Alex's booth and sat down now. I was on my break period and he waited for me to come back.

"On a normal day, I would not tell you this, but right now, I'm desperate and I need help from anyone or any good opinion and that's the only reason why I'll open up to you now." He said and I nodded my head, smiling and listening attentively.

"Okay, so my wife died as about last two weeks ago and now I'm in dire need of a wet nurse to feed my baby girl because she doesn't want to take dairy milk. I went to an agency that hires wet nurses and honestly speaking, I regret going there. Now Kasey will die of hunger if I don't act quick. What do you suggest I do or can you refer me to any good agency that can hire wet nurses. The worst part of this story is that wet nurses are fuckn' scarce. Now what the hell am I going to do because I'm going crazy." He ranted on and on and I could feel his frustration. He told me this because he believed I could say something to help him out. I did not even know any agency and I thought hard for what to say. He will surely pay the wet nurse, that's for sure. It wouldn't hurt to have two sources of income, at least I'll have more than enough money to pay my mum's hospital bill.

"What if I apply for the wet nurse job? I really need the money I'll make out of it and I'm sure Katie won't mind sharing with your daughter. I'm sorry for your loss too." I said after thinking hard about my decision. 

He was shocked. I could tell he did not believe what he was hearing right now.

"Jeez, I can't believe that you are offering to be a wet nurse for my baby. Won't it affect you, like feeding two babies and what of your husband, won't he be against it?" he asked.

I just smiled, "For the record, I'm a single mum and don't worry about me feeding two babies, it'll just be like I had twins, you know." I said then I stood up from my chair and came around, taking the baby from his hands, she removed her thumb and looked at me in the eyes for sometime while I smiled at her, then she rested her head on my shoulder as if she was home. I felt really sad for the little baby, having to lose her mum at a very tender age.

"I think she's friends with me, now let's get your daughter fed and happy." I said to him as I carried her away.