Chapter Thirteen


I drove to the agency that Kev told me of. How could he know these things when he was not even married. This is the reason why he's still my very best friend. He could help me out with things like this that I don't know. The agency was a bit farther than I thought and Kasey was fast asleep in her baby chair which I installed in the front seat of the car. Maybe the place seemed a bit far because of how slow I drove. I just hoped that I'll find something positive there because in as much as I need Kasey to be fed, I can't allow just any woman. I need to take a look at the woman first before I allow my daughter to feed from her. I finally reached the agency, the building seemed kind of old, maybe it has been running right from the nineteenth or twentieth century I don't know but I hope, I find someone for Kasey.

When I parked my car in the parking lot, I walked up to the door with Kasey in my hands who was now awake and quiet. She was a strong girl. I knew my baby was so hungry and I really wished Julie had not put Kasey in this position.

"Hi, good morning." I said to the middle aged woman that sat at the reception. She would be in her early fifties if I'm not mistaken.

She looked up at me and mumbled a low good morning. Oh! She was behaving like a grumpy old woman right now. She could not even smile to encourage me. Well I sure needed a wet nurse for Kasey so I just have to deal with her attitudes.

"Please, I need a wet nurse for my baby, is it possible for me to get one here?" I asked. She left what she was doing now and looked at me then at Kasey who just placed her head on my chest sucking her thumb, when did she start sucking her thumb? Oh gosh, she was really hungry. Fuck Julie for putting I and Kasey in this position. I felt very weak inside of me.

"What of her mum?" she asked me with a time that made me think she was suspecting something.

"She's dead, and my baby does not want to take dairy milk, even when my in-law forced her to take it, it made her tummy go bad and I just want my daughter fed. That's why I'm here, to find a wet nurse, my baby is really hungry." I said then she looked at me for sometime, maybe trying to know if I was actually saying the truth or not. I think she gave up her scrutiny when she just shrugged.

"Give me a minute" she said then she walked into one of the rooms or offices along the passage.

She came out later from wherever she went to and asked me to follow her, which I did. I was a bit scared though I was desperate to do this, because of Kasey. She opened the door and motioned for me to go inside, which I did then she closed the door behind me and I was standing with Kasey before a woman that was almost like the receptionist, not as if they looked alike, no, they were almost in the same age bracket. Maybe this was an agency for aspiring grandmothers lol, but I have not even set my eyes on s single young woman in here. I was beginning to have doubts that I was in the right agency.

"Good morning ma'am, I'm Alexander." I said, then she smiled at me and pointed at the chair in front of her desk for me to sit down. I thanked her and sat down, quietly cradling my little girl. She looked at Kasey, then looked at me with a smile on her face.

"She is a very beautiful girl, I can tell that she's your daughter because, she has a striking resemblance of you." She said as she inter-laced her hands in front of her.

"Thank you." I said smiling. I think it was the first time I was smiling since I came to this place. Right now, in this present situation that I was into, Kasey was the only reason for me to smile.

"I'm sorry, but can I ask you a question?" she said. I just shrugged at her, not as if I said no she would keep quiet. I don't have a choice.

"What of her mum?" she asked. How many times was I going to answer this question today. Fuck you Julie. This fuckn' question was getting on my nerves.

"She died some months after childbirth and now my baby does not want to take dairy milk, if she manages to take it, her tummy goes bad and she'll stool till I'm scared to my bones that she might die. I need a wet nurse real quick. Can you treat it as an emergency? Though I'll have to see the person first to know if she's to my taste before she can feed my baby.

"Okay, I'll send someone to call them in and you can check out the one you want. But you should know that we charge two hundred dollars for one month." She said to me and dailed a number in her office telephone to call in the women for the stuff. I could pay anything right now to have my baby fed, I just need to see the right person and I know when I've seen the right person.

Few minutes later, the door opened and some women came in. They were all smiling and oh my God! This was never what I expected. I doubt this women could produce milk any longer. How long have they been wet nurses? Jeez, I knew from the building of this agency that this runs way back to the nineteenth century. I looked at all of them, from the first person, to the last person, I could not even seem to manage one person out of them.

"Mr. Alexander have you made your selection yet?" the manager asked.  I looked at her and nodded no, I was a bit disappointed in what I saw, none of them were to my taste. As I said earlier, these women should be maybe working as cooks or grandmothers or cleaners. Wet nurses was definitely not one of them. I left the agency more angry than I was when I came, Kevin needed to hear this. Where on earth was I going to find a wet nurse? I was going crazy. I just drove away from there, I was starving and I needed to eat something and maybe check if I could make Kasey take dairy milk, she was too little to take dairy free milk that is why this situation was more hopeless.