Chapter Nineteen


I saw the way he flushed when I was breastfeeding Kasey. I felt awkward about it at first but I later realized that he was attracted to me. I had hopes that things could change when I moved in with him. I was attracted to him from the first day I set my eyes on him so knowing now that he was attracted to me too made my hopes come up. When I was done feeding Kasey I rubbed her back and turned my chair to face him. I kept stealing glances at him, was he shy or what? I had to pretend like I was oblivious of what was happening. When I was sure that Kasey's food had digested, I told him and we went over to the counter where he paid Steve. Steve looked at me and I smiled. I wonder what was going through his mind right now.

"Steve, this is Alex, my new boss, Alex this is Steve, he owns the diner." I said to both of them. And they exchanged greetings and shook hands before we left for the car park.

"Goodbye, Steve. I'll call you." I said then we left.

We drove in silence, the silence was really awkward then I turned on his car radio. I changed the stations till I came to a station that played music. I remembered immediately that I needed to stop at the hospital.

"Alex, do you mind stopping for a bit at Crestfall hospital? I asked and he looked at me with that "are you sick?" eyes.

"Oh, my mum is there. She's been hospitalized for a long time now so I need to see her and also pay in some money to the doctor." I said to him. He just nodded and drove there. He was quiet all through the drive. He was thinking about something and I wondered what was on his mind. When we reached the hospital, I stepped out of the car with Katie in my arms.

"You can wait for me in the car, I'll be very fast." I said and he looked at me at me for sometime, why was he just so quiet since we left the diner.

"What if I follow you inside, do you mind?" he asked, I was surprised though, I wasn't expecting it. I nodded no and smiled at him.

"I don't mind at all." I said then I stood straight A's he stepped out of the car too with Kasey in his arms. We walked to the hospital building, he just followed me while I went into my mum's ward.

I was not happy with her health. She wasn't getting better at all. She was really suffering and it really hurts, to see her in this situation and I couldn't do anything about it. I left Alex at the ward and went to look for the doctor in charge of my mum. When I finished paying, I came back to my mum's ward, Alex was looking at her with pity eyes. I came up to her and kissed her forehead then we left the hospital. While we drove home, I texted Lia to tell her we were on our way to the house and to ask her if she was around. She hadn't come back from her date before I left for work this morning. She started to text back

"I'm at home, can't wait to meet the man making my friend blush so hard. "

I just smiled and put my phone back into my purse.

"Lily, I'm so sorry about your mum." Alex said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Thank you" I said and smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I was carrying Kasey and Katie and they were both awake, looking around, playing with their fingers or tugging at their tiny shoes. The two girls were so adorable and I loved them so so much. Kasey looked like her dad but she was mostly quiet, she hardly cried. Maybe she felt her mum's absence. I took pity on the little girl. She has a very caring father, she's so lucky.

I gave him the directions to my house as he drove then we stopped at my house. He took Katie from my hands while I carried Kasey then we went up to the porch. I pressed the door bell and Lia opened the door almost immediately smiling sheepishly as she looked at me then at Alex.

"Hey, you must be Alex I suppose, I'm Amelia." She said and when he was about to answer her she extended her hand and shook Alex. I can tell that Alex was surprised. He just nodded and looked at me.

"I'm sorry, she's just a crazy bitch." I said, apologizing on behalf of Lia who was laughing then she carried Kasey from me, and we stepped inside the house.

"Oh my world! She's so cute, looks just like her dad" Lia said as she was kissing Kasey all over her face. Alex smiled and sat down on the sofa with Katie in his arms, they were probably bonding. Lia followed me into my room.

"Hey girl! That man in your living room is a walking sex god damn! If I were you, I would have had him long time ago." She said as if she was daydreaming. She was still carrying Kasey in her arms who was looking at her as if she knew that Lia was gushing over her dad.

"I'm following you to his house. I need to know where my best friend lives now, so I can get to visit you anytime I want, see Katie and Mr. Sex god." She said then she winked at me and laugh so hard. Lia was definitely a crazy person. I asked her how her date was and she just laughed and waved it off.

"Dude was funny, I can't date him but damn, he can fuck. That's the only thing I enjoyed last night. I'm not seeing him again" she said. "Whore" I muttered and laughed as I continued to take the things that were very important to me.

"Suzy love, I think I'll move in here while you are living with Mr. Sex god. I like it here. It's more spacious than my apartment and I get to stay her for free and keep your house clean till you come back, if you come back. I doubt it though." She said.

"Sure, Lia you are my best friend and you helped me so much when I delivered Katie, living here in my house for free is nothing. If I come back, we can be roommates. I like it better when you are here with me." I said then I smiled and continued parking. I had to be fast because Alex said he would be dropping by his office after he took me home.