Chapter Twenty


"I'm sorry, I forgot to take my phone from my room." Lia said and rushed into the house to bring her phone while Suzy and I waited for her. Suzy took almost two hours to pack up the things she needed. I already texted Sara to tell her to wait for me because I knew that I will end up going to the office. She came out now, with her phone in her hand and carried Kasey from Suzy then she opened the door to the back seat of the car and Suzy came over to me as I was coming to her and carried Katie from me then she opened the back door to stay with Lia.

"Stay in the front with me, Lily" I said to her as I opened the booth of the car to pack in her bags. She smiled at me and nodded before she opened the door and entered the car. I don't know what made me to tell her to sit with me at the front, maybe I just wanted to see more of her before we got home. I bet Lia said something to her when she entered the car, I didn't hear whatever it is Lia said but I heard her laugh out loud. I just pretended as if I didn't know what was happening and entered the car.

We drove quietly at first before Lia spoke up.

"Suzy love, can you tune to a music station this little  journey is so boring, I might die from the silence." She said and Suzy checked out for the music station. They were singing "Braxton's unbreak my heart" and immediately Lia joined in and Suzy laughed out hard and joined her too. They kept on singing with the radio till I drove into the driveway of my house.

"Holy fuck!, Suzy love, you mean you will live here now?" Lia said as she stared in awe. Just the same way Suzy did when she came yesterday. These two friends were definitely very fun to be with. Lia was very lively and I could say she talked a lot.

"Lily, I'll show you around when I come back from work, for now, I will just show you your room and the kitchen. Dana should have gone home by now, she's the cook, so dinner should be ready. Make yourselves comfortable" I said to them then I helped her carry in her bags to her room and showed her the kitchen. Lia just trailed behind us with Kasey in her arms. She happened to like Kasey immediately she saw her and she has been carrying her about since then, saying things to her that I could call gibberish, maybe kids talk. When I was sure, they were settled I entered my car and drove to the office as fast as I could. I wanted to meet Kev too when I was done at the office.  

"Dude, I'm just happy you finally found a wet nurse but are you sure, asking her to move in is okay?" Kevin asked me before he drank from the bottle of beer in his hands. We decided to meet at our favorite bar so that I could tell him about everything in details from how I went to the agency to asking Suzy to be a live in wet nurse. I just shrugged at his question, I did not even think of it that way, but something convinced me that I will actually enjoy her company and damn, my home has been lively since she stepped her foot into my house. I needed her for Kasey most especially.

"I don't know Kev, you should see her yourself. She's very lively and her best friend is much worse. Very outspoken. But I don't know what is happening to me, honestly speaking, I've never been this way before." I said and Kevin chuckled at my admission then he drank again

"Which way, what do you mean, you like her?" he said looking at me as if he was trying to read something from my face. " I just have this sudden urge to care for her and protect her. There is this connection between us, I can't really place my hands on it. When I saw her breastfeeding Kasey at the diner today, Kev, I was red all over, like a fuckn' teenager that gets a boner by just seeing boobs. I had a boner. I don't know but I'm sure there is something to it and damn she's hot." I said as I scratched my jaw and looked at Kevin who was staring at me like he did not recognize me anymore. He laughed at me and shook his head then took another gulp of his beer.

"You really won't seize to amaze me Alex." he said. Maybe he did not believe what I said, I can't even believe myself now because now the few things I've done in the last thirty hours or so, I've been doing them without thinking straight. This is the effect she had on me, and the funny thing here is that, I barely know her but I feel like I've known her all my life.

"I'm definitely following you home dude, I need to see this woman that is making you to be this way, like seriously speaking, the last time I saw you like this, you were in love with a mysterious girl in a lost picture. You weren't even this way when you met Julie, and you haven't lit up for a woman like this in a very long time now." Kevin said still looking at me surprised by what I just told him. When I looked away from him trying to avoid his gaze he kicked me with his leg slightly and I looked up at him.

"I must say Alex, I'm surprised and glad that you might have something good coming your way." he said and winked at me, then he called on the bar tender so he could pay the bills.