Chapter Twenty-One


We drove to my house separately in our cars because Kevin also came with his car too and he insisted on following me home so that he could get to take a good look at Suzy. I could see from out side that the light to the living room was still left on. With Kevin who stood beside me talking about his recent fling, I typed in my passcode and entered inside with Kev. Everywhere suddenly became quiet. Kevin stopped talking and the ladies too paused their own conversation. Okay, now I don't understand what was happening her right now.

"Dude, which one of them is the wet nurse?" Kevin whispered and I noticed he was looking at Lia who seemed to be gawking at him shamelessly. She had nerves.

"Lily.." I said before I was interrupted by Kevin "dude, I thought you said she was Suzy?" he asked looking so confused.

"Oh, that's his pet name for me" Suzy said to Kevin with a smile on her face.

"And when did you start giving out pet names?" Kevin said laughing at me. I just scoffed at him and continued with what I was saying.

"Lily, meet Kevin my best friend. Kevin, meet Suzy. She's Kasey's wet nurse and this is Amelia, Suzy's best friend, Lia, this is Kev." I said, introducing them to themselves.

"lily, it's so nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you and you are very beautiful." Kevin said as he shook Suzy's hand. She was sitting down with Lia and they were carrying Kasey and Katie who were already fast asleep.

"Nice, to meet you too Kev." Suzy said and nodded her head smiling. Immediately she finished talking, Lia spoke immediately. I knew she was up to something, the way she eyes Kevin like he was her last meal.

"You look so cute and damn, I like you already. Wow, Suzy love, you are surrounded by hot men. I'm Amelia, call me Lia." She said and winked at Kevin who winked back at her. She extended her hand for a handshake which he shook before he brought it to his lips and placed a light kiss on the back of her hand and she giggled before she looked back at Suzy who raised her brows at her and smiled. Lia was definitely the wild one between two of them but they were alike in most things.

"Lia, come let's take the girls to bed. We will be back very soon." Suzy said and Lia tore her gaze away from Kevin and followed Suzy upstairs.

"Damn! Dude, now I see why you insisted on her being a live in wet nurse, she's hot. But I like her friend." Kevin said as he crossed his long legs in front of him. I just laughed at him and went to the refrigerator to take water then I came back to the living room. Lia and Suzy came back to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"Suzy love, I should be going now, Alex, thanks a lot for today, I think we will be seeing a lot more now that my best friend lives here." She said and smiled at me then she looked at Kevin who was already smiling at her, he was definitely a man whore no doubts.

"Hey, Kevin it was nice meeting you, I should be going. I hope we will get to see each other some other time." She said to Kevin in a small voice that said she didn't want to leave Kevin or she was sad to leave him. As if he understood her tone he smiled at her.

"Did you by chance come with your car?" he asked and she nodded no.

"Do you mind if I take you home with my car?" he asked then she smiled and nodded her head saying yes and her face lit up immediately. She was so fuckn' happy, it showed on her facial expressions. They talked as if the forgot that they had company, I doubt if they even remembered that I and Suzy were with them, then she looked at Suzy who exchanged a type of smile with her as if they said something to themselves with just that one smile. She and Kevin stood up, Kevin looked at me and smiled mischievously then he nodded his head and said his goodbye to us, same with Lia who hugged Suzy before she told us goodbye then they left. It was now I and Suzy that was left in the living room, we were quiet for sometime and really I wished I could do things to her but firstly the silence between us was killing me.

"Lily, I said I'll take you around the house when I come back from work, do you mind if I do that now or will you want Dana to show you around tomorrow. I understand that you are tired, you need to rest and I will be leaving for work early tomorrow." I said to her as I scratched the back of my head. I was a bit tensed, my hands were sweaty, I was happy and very much excited by just being close to her and me wanting to show her around the house was a means of buying more time with her before we retired to bed. She just smiled at me.

"Thank you so much Alex, but Dana will show me around tomorrow, you need to retire to bed early since you will be starting early tomorrow." She said then I nodded at her. I felt a bit disappointed that she declined my offer to show her around the house and the opportunity to spend more time with her, though l won't blame her, she must be tired and she needed to sleep too before any of the girls woke up at night to feed.

"Sure, you need to catch some sleep too before Katie or Kasey wakes up to feed again. I'll retire now, have a nice sleep Lily." I said and started going upstairs before she said her goodnight to me. I wanted more, but I'll take baby steps towards winning her love.