Chapter Twenty-Two


I must have woken up late because Kasey and Katie could not let me sleep even after I fed them again when they woke up. I was so tired and I was hungry. Kasey had her crib so she slept in her own room but I couldn't bring Katie's bed over so she sleeps with me on my bed. She was still fast asleep. I checked on Kasey and she was still sleeping too. So I decided to go downstairs and have breakfast because I was starving, you know nursing mother hunger. Alex must have gone to work because I could feel his absence in the house. We had this strange connection and I was comfortable and relaxed anytime I was with him. He looked at me as if he was trying to figure me out, trying to probe into my inner self with that sexy dark eyes of his. Most times, when I looked at him, our eyes meet and I could see a quick flash of desire in his eyes before he smiles at me and look away as if nothing happened. I really wanted us to be more than this though. We were past formalities now, he even called me Lily and I swear, Lily sounds so sexy coming from that mouth of his. I know he's attracted to me, I am too right from the first day I saw him at the store. I came out of my thoughts immediately I saw a woman preparing something in the kitchen, she must be Dana, the cook Alex talked about. She looked like she was in her mid forties and she had a black hair with a tiny touch of gray.

"Good morning Miss Suzy." She said to me smiling as I stood there staring into the empty space of the kitchen, probably, I don't have an idea of what I was staring at.

"Good morning Mrs. Dana, please call me Suzy." I said smiling at her beautiful face before I walked up to her to maybe shake her hands or hug her, anything she let me do.

"Please dear, call me Dana. It's so nice to finally get to meet you. Mr. Alex told me that he now has a live in wet nurse and I have been waiting to see you. You look so beautiful dear." She said smiling before she hugged me. She was like a mother. She looked like a mother though.

"What would you like to have for breakfast?" she asked.

"Oh! Anything will be good. I'll take whatever is available" I said. I wasn't the picky type so I didn't have any problems with eating anything. She gave me French toast with scrambled eggs and coffee. I needed the caffeine like seriously. I thanked her and sat down to eat. She started a conversation with me while I ate my food. She was actually nice.

"Mr. Alex said I should show you around, so whenever you are ready you can tell me okay?" she said and I nodded my head before she left the kitchen. When I was done I rushed upstairs to check on the two girls just for me to hear Katie crying. She must have woken up and when she didn't see me, she started crying. I rushed up to her and carried her, she looked at my face and her cry started going down. Stubborn little girl. I cooed her to stop crying then I went to Kasey's room to check up on her. She was awake, just looking around with her thumb stuck into her mouth. She was hungry, I could tell. And she didn't even make a single sound. I carried her too in my other arm and went to my bedroom to feed them. I started with Kasey first who was already sucking her thumb. When I was done feeding her, I fed Katie. I showered them and changed their clothes before I fed them again so they could sleep. When both of them were asleep on my bed, I had my shower before I went downstairs so that Dana could show me around. I found her in the living room and then she showed me the laundry room, the garage, the swimming pool, the gym room, Alex's room and  his office though she didn't open them. It was left for Alex to show me the insides, if he wanted me to see it. There were many empty rooms in the house. The house was big enough, I did not even know that it had a swimming pool and a gym. Staying here will be fun. I loved swimming, so I could not even wait to get myself under that beautiful pool I saw.

"Thank you so much for the little tour, the house is really beautiful." I said to her then she chuckled softly and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch and maybe dinner. She usually left in the evening, according to what she told me and what I noticed yesterday. I went away to do laundry. My phone beeped and it was a text message from Lia that said she will drop by the house this evening, when she came back from work. I haven't even heard from her since yesterday evening that she left with Kev and she hadn't even called, though I've been too busy with the two girls and getting settled, unpacking my boxes and the rest of the things.

I sat in the living room with my phone, I haven't even heard from Alex, maybe he was very busy at work and did not have any spare time for calls or texts. Why was I even expecting a call or text from him? There was nothing going on between us but I tried to justify my thoughts by telling myself that he could have at least called me to know how his daughter was faring. Well, whatever. Dana came out to the living room with her hand bag, I think she's done for the day. She told me she was leaving and we said goodbyes then she left. Like few minutes after she left, the doorbell rang and I wondered if it was her, maybe she forgot something so I went to open the door, and Lia was standing at the door with a wide smile on her face.