Chapter Twenty-Three


"Suzy love, how have you been?" Lia said as she stepped past me into the house still smiling sheepishly.

"I'm fine, how was your day?" I asked as we went over to sit at the sofa. She looked around and I asked her if she met Dana on her way out while she was coming.

"Yes, she looks cool." She answered then I decided to check up on the two girls, they have been sleeping since afternoon and Lia wanted to see them too. She followed me to my room and they were still sleeping but she said we should wake them so that they could sleep at night too.

"Kasey is so cute and she's too quiet unlike Katie. She will be an introvert." Lia said as she carried Kasey who now woke up and cried a little then she looked at Lia who was smiling at her and then she looked at me then she placed her head on Lia's shoulder and stuck her thumb in her mouth. I carried Katie too then we went back to the living room and turned the television on while I switched Katie with Kasey and breastfed my hungry little girl.

"Lia, you have not spoken about yesterday night with Kev." I said smiling at her. She eyed me playfully and looked into the empty space as if she was thinking of something.

"He's cool, we talked about somethings while he drove me home, then he dropped me off at home. He doesn't seem like someone I can be in a relationship with. Looks like one of these play boys and I'm not ready to get hurt any time soon." She said and waved the topic aside. I just nodded and smiled then she looked at me with that "what about you and Mr. Sex god" eyes and I laughed out loud and hard.

"Nothing is going on between us, I'm just a wet nurse for his baby." I said, deep down in my heart I wished things could change with time though. She nodded and I looked away before she sees it in my eyes that I wished I could be more than just a wet nurse for his baby. We talked about many things, from her work to her past flings that were calling her to Elvis and his new model fiancée, I told her about the house, how it had a swimming pool and a gym, she was just screaming out of surprise, well I was surprised too.

"What do you guys have, I'm starving" Lia said. I told her to check in the refrigerator because I don't even know what Dana prepared for dinner. She stood up with Kasey because I was now feeding Katie then she went to the kitchen. Few minutes later she came out with a plate of macaroni and cheese. She gave it to me then went back to the kitchen to bring hers. When we finished eating I cleared the dishes, I could do them when I put the girls to bed.

We sat at the living room watching the reality show that was showing on the television, Lia made side comments about the guy that was shouting at the girl that came into his room and whenever she wasn't making side comments, she was busy with her phone. Just then, Alex came in alone this time. He didn't really look happy.

"Hey guys." He said. We greeted him too, then came over and carried Kasey for some seconds then he handed her back to Lia. "I'm sorry, I'll leave you guys now, I have a little headache so I need to rest a bit." He said then he went upstairs to his room.

"What do you think is wrong with Mr. Sex god?" Lia said, bumping me with her shoulder. I looked at her and shrugged "Well, how will I know what's wrong, we've been here together. Maybe he's stressed out from work. He left very early though so it's just normal to be stressed out" I said. I wish I knew what was wrong too, but this is all I can think of now as the reason why he doesn't look happy.

"Will you join me to shower the girls?" I asked Lia. She nodded happily and followed me to my room where we showered them in my bathroom. When we changed them to a comfy night overall, we cooed them to sleep. I laid Kasey in her crib while Katie laid Katie on my bed then we went back downstairs to continue the  series movie that was now showing.

"I think I should be on my way now before it gets too late." Lia said after few minutes. I escorted her out and we bade our goodnights then I closed the door. I sat for sometime in the living room, everywhere was quiet. The girls were sleeping and Alex, has not come out again since he came back from work. I became worried after waiting for like one hour since Lia left. I called her to ask if she was home yet and she said she was even about to go to bed so I felt a bit relaxed, but Alex, I was so worried about him. He hasn't even eaten anything yet and it was already getting late.

"Hey, Lia it's me Suzy." I said to Lia who was already sleeping, I could tell from her voice that she had already gone to bed.

"Suzy love, what's wrong?" she asked with a groggy voice then she cleared her throat.

"Alex hasn't come out of his room since he came back from work. I'm worried about him and he hasn't even had dinner yet. What do I do now, I'm freaking out." I complained to her. She cleared her throat again and I heard her shuffle on her bed as if she was trying to sit up.

"Suzy love, check up on him, you know his room right, check up on him dear." She said then I agreed.

"I'll call you  later to know what's up okay?" she said before she hung up. I knew she would have something to say, thank God I had someone like her that I could call. I stood up from where I sat and headed to Alex room to check up on him just like Lia advised me to. I hope he's fine though.