Chapter Twenty-Four


"Alex, Alex are you okay?" She asked and when I did not even turn around to look at her, she stepped into my room and closed the door. I knew when she opened the door but I was very tired to even turn around. The serious headache that I had in the afternoon through to the evening had now turned to a fever and my body was burning up. My bed was already hot from the heat my body was emitting.

"Alex, are you okay?, You are making me scared." She said as she walked up to my bed slowly, and carefully, she was really scared and I hate the fact that I was making her feel scared. I didn't want that but, I had no strength in me. I gathered up the last strength in me to turn to her and she walked up to me faster now and touched me on my fore head.

"Jeez, you've got a fever, and you are burning up real quick." She said as she sat on my bed. She looked at me from head to toe and she turned red. Oh good, this was really good. Was she blushing from just seeing me half naked? I was still on my trousers though. I just smiled at her weakly.

"Do you have a thermometer, so that I can check your temperature." she asked and looked around maybe in search of one.

"There should be one in my drawer" was all I could say and pointed towards the drawer I was talking about then she stood up from the bed to look for the thermometer.

She came back with the thermometer and sat down on my bed, close to me then she checked my temperature. I don't know what it was but she shook her head then she went into my bathroom, took one of my towels and a bowl of cold water then she came back to where I laid on the bed and placed the towel on my forehead after she had soaked up the towel.

"It will help to bring down your body temperature. It's too high." She explained then she stood up from the bed and left. Maybe she went to check on the girls whatever, she needs a baby monitor so that she'll know when the needed her. How I was thinking about getting her a baby monitor when I wasn't even getting myself was another thing that surprised the crap out of me. She came back with something in her hand and a bottle of water.

"Here, take this it should help you with the headache" she said then I sat up and took the medicine from her. When I was done taking it I laid down back immediately and she soaked the towel again which was already hot into the cold water and placed it on my forehead again when she finished squeezing it small. Her phone rang and she picked up her call and went out of the room. I was alone again. I felt her absence and her absence made me feel worse.

Few minutes later she came back again with a tray of food. I didn't even have the appetite to eat anything. She was done with her phone call so she just sat on the bed and tried to help me up. I looked at her and she smiled and placed the tray on my laps. I tried to eat but I just ended up eating four spoonful of the microwaved Mac and cheese she placed in front of me and pushed the tray away but she was fast enough to stop me and I looked at her face, God she was so beautiful.

"Eat more four spoonful and I'll take the tray away?" she said, pleading with me to eat more. I looked at her for sometime, how the fuck could I say no to that pretty face staring at me in my eyes. I did as she said and she touched my cheek then took away the tray. She came back again and changed the towel then she checked my temperature again. I think Katie cried, then she smiled at me and left to breastfeed the girls. She was really trying and now I hated the fact that I was another burden that she had to take care of.

I think I must have slept off because when I woke up, I saw her sitting down on the chair in front of my bed. She was busy with her phone. She raised her face from her phone and she noticed that I was awake, she must have heard when I turned over. She came to my bed and placed her hands on my forehead, she smiled at me, maybe because of the way I was staring at her or something.

"You are better now Alex, I should go back to my room now." She said and as she was about to stand up I held her back. I don't know why I did that but recently I act before I even think of what I'm doing. She looked back at me surprised. Don't worry, I was surprised at my own actions too.

"Do you mind staying with me? I actually feel a lot better because you are here." I said to her. In a way, I was admitting the fact that I had feelings for her, but I don't mind though. And I know it may feel awkward because of the fact that, I barely know her. I just met her few days ago and now I'm literally asking her to sleep on the same bed with me. Well if she refused to stay with me, I won't be hurt, don't mind me..I'll definitely feel bad. Well, to my surprise she smiled and nodded her head then I shifted to the other end while she laid on the other end of the bed. We were not yet in the cuddling stage, I would have loved to do that, but as I said earlier, baby steps.