Chapter Twenty-Six

Music Recommendations: Someone to you by BANNERS


I woke up very early the next morning, I turned and remembered immediately that I was on Alex's bed. I froze for a second then I stood up immediately, I looked at him he was still deep in his sleep. He looked so peaceful and very handsome while he slept. He was breathing fine, I touched his forehead lightly, he was a bit better, I doubt he'll go to work today. I turned around and tip toed to the door quietly.

"Are you leaving already?" he mumbled and I turned immediately to see that he had woken up.

Maybe he woke up when I touched him on his forehead. God he was so handsome, and his early morning voice, it really got my tummy doing a butterfly dance. I wanted him badly but damn, he's still my boss so I have to keep my hands to myself, unless he wants me not to though. He was still lying down on his back and he looked at me as if he was expecting an answer from me, I think I was a bit lost.

"Oh, it's morning already and I have to check on the girls." I said as recovered from my dirty thoughts, then I released the door knob and squeezed the hem of my top nervously. This is what he did to me, he made me nervous, in a sweet, good way though, I was not myself whenever I was around him and I needed to get the hell out of his room right now before I did something I might regret in the later future. When he did not say anything but looked at me, I turned around immediately and left the room.

I was still recovering from what happened to me in Alex's room this morning. When I went to Kasey's room she was still sleeping so I decided to check on Kate who was still sleeping too. My head was aching seriously. I must have slept very little. I took a painkiller for the headache then I went downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee. When I was done making it, I sat at the dinning table with my cup of coffee and thought. I thought about a lot of things, how my life has changed so much within few months now. I thought of my dying mum, how I now had two babies to take care of and fuck! I thought of Alex. He look so cool and I could not help but imagine how he was in bed. I really wanted to see that part of him that wasn't shown to the outside world. I wonder how he is friends with Kevin who was a bit loud and all. They were complete opposites of themselves, anyways, it's applicable to I and Lia. People did say that I and Lia were completely opposite of ourselves and they wondered how I was she was my best friend. Alex looked quiet and cool on the outside but I know men like him. He will be nothing like cool when it comes to the inside especially when they are fucking. He would have a bad temper. Quiet guys like him did have a kind of temper that was quite scary. I barely know him but I feel like I've known him all my life. Just thinking of this made me feel hot inside of me. I really needed to stop this.

Katie woke up. I knew because she cried. It was her, always crying whenever she woke up and didn't see anybody around. All of a sudden she stopped crying. I went upstairs immediately to carry her and what I saw melted my heart. Alex was carrying her and her head was on his shoulder. God! He will be a very good dad. I instantly began to wish we were like a family where I was the mum, he was the dad and Kasey and Katie were our babies. His torso was bare, he wore just his trousers and with his back on me, I took this opportunity to admire his muscle toned back, how strong it was and he really looked damn sexy standing there with my daughter in his arms. I stood at the door looking at him as he carried my daughter as if she was his daughter. I was frozen and I almost cried before he turned around and smiled at me.

"I heard her crying so I came to check if she was fine." He said as he walked up to me then he handed her over to me. Katie looked from me to Alex then back to me. My little girl was already seeing Alex as her papa, I too wished that things were a bit different because I knows what it feels like to grow up without a dad. I felt bad for my little girl. Bad thing that her real dad is alive somewhere and even denied her before she was born. I blinked back my tears that were about to fall out if I wasn't careful, he looked at me then he kissed Katie's forehead and walked out of my room. I think he must have noticed that I was about to cry because my eyes were really watery, it must have been so obvious. He was so lovely and it just made me want more, I wished that I could be something more to him than a wet nurse.

When I dried up my tears, I went to Kasey's room to check up on her and I didn't see her in her crib, her dad must have carried her. I decided to breastfeed Katie first and shower her so that when I carried Kasey, I'll hand Katie to him so he could help me carry her while I fed and showered Kasey. Dana must have come by now and I was hungry. So I went downstairs with Katie and fed her as I ate my own breakfast of bacon, sandwich and juice. Dana just smiled at me while I multi tasked in feeding myself and Katie at the same time. I really needed to be fast so that I could feed Kasey because I know she might be hungry now.