Chapter Twenty-Seven


I saw the tears in her eyes. I felt sad. I wondered what made her cry, and I wanted to console her so bad. I just had to kiss Katie and leave her room. I didn't want her to know that I saw the tears. I really wanted to know who hurt her. Maybe it was Katie's dad. That sudden urge to hug her and console her came on me strongly and I fought so hard to hold back but I couldn't walk away just like that. I thought of her while I carried Kasey who was busy with her thumb. As I stood up from my bed to hand Kasey over to her so that she could feed her, someone knocked on my door.

"Alex?, can I come in?" she asked. "Sure, come in," I said she was probably coming to take Kasey.

She opened the door small at first and peeped in then she came inside with Katie on her other arm. She walked up to me smiling, while I sat on my bed with Kasey in my arms. I smiled back at her. I know she was sad inside, she's a strong woman.

"Kasey love, it's time to eat." She said in one of the sweetest voices I've ever heard as she carried Kasey and handed Katie over to me. Katie was smiling up at me and slightly sitting jumping on my lap.

"I will come back for Katie when I'm done." She said with a smile on her face. I just nodded at her and started playing with Katie then she touched Katie's cheeks and left the room with Kasey. I seized the opportunity to take a good look at Katie. My phone rang and I looked at the caller.

"Hey, dude," Kevin said then he chuckled. "Kev, what's up?" I asked while I was still trying to know why he chuckled. Kevin was always looking for ways to make fun of me.

"Heard you were sick, hope you've gotten better. Oh, wait I think I know the answer to it, you are better now as our sexy wet nurse took special care of you." He said before he burst into a fit of laughter.  God knows that if I was close  I would have strangled Kevin right now. I knew it, he called to make fun of me.

"I just hope you are better now." He finally said and I grunted before he hung up the call.

I was starving and Katie was fast asleep in my arms so I just laid her on my bed before I went downstairs to have my breakfast. Dana had already prepared breakfast so I just sat at the dining table and ate while I called Sara to tell her that I had a little fever and couldn't make it to the office. I know on a normal day I would have struggled to go because I felt a bit better but I just wanted to be at home with Suzy and the girls. I was happy with just staying with them. I was relaxed here and maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was falling for Suzy and wanted to find every little opportunity to spend time with her. When I was done with my meal, I climbed upstairs to my room and I didn't see Katie there again. Her mum must have carried her so I went into my home office to do some work. She occupied my brain. I found it very difficult to concentrate on the work in front of me. I remembered that morning at the diner, her beautiful boobs and I was fuckn' aroused. My dick twitched at the memory of Suzy's almost white boobs. God! If only I could kiss those boobs or at least touch them. My thoughts were dirty but I don't care though, I wanted her badly. Looking down at my already very hardened dick that made the zip area of my trousers look swollen, I sighed. I knew was going to concentrate on this work only if I do something about the hardened cock before me. It's a shame that I have to wank it off when the cause of my misery was a few feet away from me probably breastfeeding my baby. Well, I wanked off a tiny bit of my horniness thinking of Suzy's boobs and what I could do to those boobs just like a teenage boy that is scared of approaching a girl he's attracted to.

I struggled to complete the work on my desk before I decide to go back to my room and shower before I came for the girls. I wanted to spend time with them today even though the next day is Saturday and I'll still have them all to myself but I just wanted to maybe bond with them especially Katie.

I still had a towel on my waist when Suzy knocked and came in.

"Oh, oh my God, I did not know you were not dressed," she said as she turned her back immediately to face the door. I laughed at her and told her that I just showered and was tying a towel on my waist so I was not naked.

"So what did you come to me for?" I said in a tone that meant something else, I was just trying to tease her. She turned immediately to look at me and I smiled and kept nodding my head in a mischievous way, while I hooked my two thumbs in the front of the towel.

"I. I just wanted to tell you that I want to visit my mum at the hospital this afternoon." She stammered and blushed. Her face was red and I was greatly amused in the best way. I was the reason for that reddened cheeks. I affected her as much as she affected me and I could tell she was aroused by just looking at me on a towel because I saw her nipples harden and peek out of her blouse. I could have a hard-on by just staring at those beautiful tits of hers I was really turned on and I had to make her go out of my room immediately.

"Okay and Lily, please I'll like it if you leave the girls with me while you go to see your mum," I said to her then she smiled shyly at me and nodded her head before she turned and left my room.

I sighed heavily and just then I realized that I was even holding my breath while she was here in my room. I looked down at my towel and smiled, I could see the reason why she smiled at me shyly. It was obvious that I had a boner. Give me a break, it's what a healthy man like me would feel, being around someone as sexy as Lily all day.