Chapter Twenty-Eight


He was aroused and he was totally undisturbed about the fact that I could see that he had a boner under that towel right before my eyes. I won't deny the fact that I was affected too by what I saw. I had to shower and get prepared so that I'll go to the hospital to see my mum. I left the girls with Dana downstairs so I was alone in my room and a bit relaxed. I tried to think of other things that I could use as a distraction but mind kept drifting back to him. The memory of his back, his lips, his gruffy morning voice, now, the boner I had to watch while I stood in his room, I was hot inside, I really needed to be relieved of the horniness I felt. I undressed and I just had to touch myself and thoughts of Alex filled my brain. I moaned and imagined he was the one pleasuring my body, I rubbed myself and my inside tightened with the thoughts of him having a hard on and my body shook violently as I came undone. I felt a bit relieved then I had my bath and dressed up before I headed downstairs so that I could feed the girls before going to the hospital.

"Miss Suzy, your mum's condition gets worse as the days goes by, at this point, it will only be by a miracle for her to survive this. She about to die." the doctor said to me with pity in his eyes.

I could not even find the strength to stand upright. I was weak in my leg, my heart pounded so fast and loud. I could not believe what I just heard. My eyes began to water and I asked him if nothing else can be done, he shook his head sadly and the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"We would just take care of her, run her daily vital signs, give her treatment as usual and hope that a miracle happens." He said. I just knew he was trying to console me but I was seriously pained. I did not expect things to be so bad to this extent.

I went to my mum's ward to look at her. I sat down quietly beside her and held her hands so tight while I sobbed. I was sad that she was about to die. I wish things were better, or different than it is now. She won't get to see Katie, to watch her grow and all that. I sat down that way, looking at her and wishing in my deepest heart that a miracle could happen. She just laid there, unconscious with the oxygen mask on her nose and other things on her body that I don't know what they were for. I stayed at the hospital for about three hours with my mum before I decide that it was time for me to go home because of Katie and Kasey who might become hungry very soon. I wonder how Alex is coping with the two girls. He must be stressed out by now. I stood up and kissed my mum on her forehead before I took my leave.

I needed to brighten up before I went home to Alex and the girls because anybody that saw me right now would know that I have been crying. My eyes were a bit puffy and it was really obvious because my face was a bit swollen too. I walked for sometime, trying to get my vibes back but it was not even working for me then I entered a taxi to Steve's Diner. I had not called him since I quit working at the diner and I promised to pay him visits once in a while and I think this is the perfect time. When I opened the glass door, I stole a small peep into the diner before I came in. Steve was busy with a customer's order so he did not see when I came in. I walked up to the counter and he raised his eyes from what he was doing and smiled at me happily.

"Hey gorgeous" he said still smiling at me while I greeted him. I smiled back at him too. This is the exact energy I need now. I needed to laugh hard to forget my mum's situation for now. I could not afford to go home to Alex, still sulking. I don't want to attract attention to myself. He looked at me for sometime, he saw my sad eyes and he knew that I wasn't happy.

"What of Katie?" he asked, maybe he thought I was sad because of Katie, I smiled and told him that Alex volunteered to stay with them while I went to the hospital to see my mum. He knew why I was sad now, he called one of his workers to take over taking orders while he asked me to come to his office. I just followed him while he led the way.

"Hey gorgeous, what's wrong? You are sad and it's pretty obvious. Is it about your mum?" he asked while he brought out a chair for me to sit down when we were in his office. I sat down and he sat in front of me and held my hand. I was quiet for sometime, then I told him about my mum's present condition and how she's about to die and I can't do anything about it.

"Oh my God. Gorgeous, I'm so sorry." he said and hugged me lightly, trying to console me. I came here to laugh and here I am crying the more and my eyes were becoming my puffy and swollen. He held me till I couldn't cry anymore.

"Gorgeous, your mum will be fine. Can you just stop crying it doesn't suit you. You look so swollen with red puffy eyes." he said and I smiled at his words and sniffed then I dried up my tears. My phone rang immediately, shit! it was Alex calling. I looked at the time and it was already late and Alex was probably worried about me so I answered the call and told him that I was on my way back. He sounded a bit scared and sighed softly when I told him that I was on my way. I stood up from the chair and thanked Steve for making out time to listen to me.

"Anytime gorgeous, I'm here." he said smiling then we left his office and said our goodbyes after he put me in a cab.