Chapter Twenty-Nine

Music Recommendations: Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson


I felt a bit relieved to know that she was on her way back. I was really very scared and I felt relieved to know that nothing was wrong. The girls were struggling to sit properly and I spent time loving and looking after them while she was away. Now, they seemed exhausted and I just laid Kasey on the sofa who was sucking her thumb as usual. She was hungry and Katie just kept on crying whenever I sat down to rest, which made me to keep carrying her standing because it was only then that she kept quiet.

Few minutes later, the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. What I saw was never what I was expecting.

"Jeez, Lily what's wrong ? Did anyone hurt you?" I asked as she stepped inside. She smiled at me but the person I was looking at was in no way happy. Her eyes were red and puffy and her face was swollen.

"Have you been crying?" I asked, when she did not answer my questions. I was getting angry with the fact that she was hurt, someone must have made her cry and it made my heart to wrench in pain. She carried Katie from me and I followed her to the living area. She was not thinking she could run off from my questions and leave me thinking here. I rushed up to her walking taking two fast strides and I held her shoulders to stop her from moving away from me. I looked at her and she looked down immediately. It was very obvious that she was not okay. Something was really wrong somewhere. When I raised her face with my fingers so that I was looking directly at her eyes, her eyes watered immediately and my chest squeezed at the sight.

"Lily, talk to me, why are you crying." I asked still very anxious about why she was this way. She said she was going to the hospital, was her mum dead? I was thinking of all the possible reasons for her tears. Did she meet Katie's dad? Or was she molested? Thinking about that made me boiling with anger. I swear if she was molested I won't stop at anything to make the person pay for making my Lily cry. She was mine and I will so fuck the motherfucker up. She sobbed and I hugged her. Katie just stared from me to her mum. She must be confused with what was happening. I just hugged her while she cried on my shoulder. She was pained.  

When she was done crying, I led her to the sofa, where she sat and I carried Kasey.

"The doctor said, my mum was dying and it will only take a miracle for her to become better." She finally said as she sniffed. Poor girl, I could feel her sadness.

Damn!, I wasn't expecting it. "I'm so sorry Lily." I said while I sat beside her and put my other hand on her shoulder to comfort her because I carried Kasey with my other hand. She shook her head while she fought back tears. She was remembering things. I just couldn't say anything.

"She's the only family I have apart from my baby girl. I feel so terrible. She's the only person I've ever known my entire life and I just feel so bitter because I can't do anything to help her now. I don't even know who my dad is and I'm just so sad that my daughter will end up just like me, without a dad and my mum is now on her death bed. This life sucks." She said while she rocked her baby back and forth. I just kept looking at her. I loved her and I was sad that she was going through so much in life. I wanted to ask her about Katie's dad but I decided against it. Now was definitely not the right time. Thinking of what she said now, I think it's the reason she almost cried when she saw me carrying her daughter in her room in the morning.

"Life generally sucks, Lily. But we just keep hoping for the best out of it everyday we wake, but I assure you that one day everything will be fine and you will look back at your past and smile, because you made it to the top despite all the hurdles you are facing now. Trust me on this one dear." I said and tightened my hand on her shoulder trying my best to comfort her.

She nodded at my words hopefully and smiled up at me.

"Thank you so much Alex" she said and my heart melted. My Lily was going through so much now. I smiled back and asked her what she would eat. She smiled and told me she could eat anything and she wasn't selective.

"I guess it means I'll just get us what Dana prepared then?" I asked and she nodded then I smiled and turned away to the kitchen while she started breastfeeding the girls, she started with Kasey who was lying on the sofa. When I came back with our meal, I turned on the television to distract me from staring at her. I just had to focus on my food and the TV and we were just quiet if not for the TV sounds. When she was done feeding them I carried Kasey while she carried Katie and ate her own food while we watched the TV in silence. It was all so awkward and I just felt hot inside all of a sudden. I pushed away all the dirty thoughts that were in my head and while she carried the girls away to shower then and prepare them for bed, I went to the kitchen to do the dishes to keep myself busy. When I was done I went upstairs to check up on her and the kids. She was done with them, so I stayed with her and helped put the girls to sleep. I carried Kasey to her own room and laid her in her crib. Thinking of it I needed to buy her a baby monitor and also a crib for Katie. When I was done with putting her to bed, I went over to say goodnight to Suzy. Her room door was open when I came so I did not bother knocking and when I entered I stepped back immediately.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were undressing." I said. She turned back because she heard my foot steps when I stepped back. She was topless and damn her skin was beautiful. God! she would definitely be the death of me.

" It's not your fault I should have closed my door, i'm sorry, I thought you have gone to bed so I didn't bother closing my door." she said then she came to the door when she wore another shirt.

"I...I just came to say good night." I stammered nervously. She smiled and said goodnight too then I held her and l looked at her in her eyes. I kissed her forehead then I went back to my room with my heart pounding very hard. She looked surprised when I kissed her forehead, she definitely wasn't expecting it. Well me too, I don't know why I did it but I'm not bothered. I had a serious rush of adrenalin right now and I just had to go to my office to distract myself with work.