Chapter Thirty


"Good night Alex" I said, stunned to my bones. I was not expecting that kiss. In as much as I was sad and all about my dying mum. The chaste kiss that Alex gave me on my forehead actually brought me out of my sour mood. He did not even look at me to know my reaction. He just kissed me and walked towards his room without turning back. I felt suddenly hot and nervous. I turned back to my room and closed my door. Just the memory of him seeing me on my bra made me blush and I thought of things that could happen between us before I drifted away into my dream land.

I think I must have woken up because of the noise I heard. I looked at my cell phone to check the time and I saw that I was already late. Maybe I slept so much because I had cried a lot yesterday. I stretched out on my bed and looked at Katie who was still fast asleep. I came out to check up on Kasey and I met Alex. He was all dressed up, but today was Saturday and he didn't work on Saturdays and Sundays.

He wore a casual round neck polo shirt and cargo shorts. I thought to myself that maybe he had friends he wanted to hang out with that morning. He just greeted me as if nothing happened between us last night. I greeted him back but I felt a bit sad and disappointed. I thought we were already heading somewhere, maybe it was just a casual kiss to him. He walked out of the door and I instantly felt alone. I walked up to the kitchen angry at myself as I made coffee. My head was pounding as if I had a hangover. When I was done taking the coffee I made, I went back to my room to feed the girls and shower them before Dana came. I could call Lia over to keep me company because Dana worked half time on weekends so she would go home by noon. When I was done feeding and bathing them, I laid them on my bed and rushed in to shower too. I wanted to do laundry too so when I was done I went downstairs to have breakfast.

The door open and Alex stepped in with somethings in his hands which included set of woods. I looked at him and when he didn't seem to notice me, I continued with what I was doing while he climbed upstairs with the stuffs in his hands. I wondered what he would use them for, not as if it was my business but I was a bit curious. I just went about doing my stuffs and minding my business. Dana was with the girls while I did laundry in the laundry room listening to Demi Lovato's lightweight. My phone rang and I looked at it to see who the caller was, it was Alex. I was surprised to see his call because he was just upstairs, he could have just sent for me instead. Or maybe it was a mistake at least that's what I thought so I just ignored it. Coupled with the fact that I was still angry at him for the way he was cold to me this morning after he kissed my forehead last night. He called me again through the phone so I was convinced now that it was not a mistake, so I went upstairs to answer him and know why he was calling me. While I headed towards his room, everywhere suddenly became dark and I gasped out of fear.

"Shhh! Lily, it's me. I bet you don't want Dana to hear you." Alex said in my ears with a very low deep sexy voice. His voice could make me wet at the spot. My heart raced. I was totally speechless and he geared my movement while he was holding my eyes shut with his hands.

"I have a surprise for you Lily. Do you want to see it?" he said when we were finally in one of the rooms. I nodded and smiled a bit. At that moment, I forgot that I was ever angry with how he was with me in the morning. He let go of my eyes and I could not believe what I saw with my two eyes.

I saw two baby cribs and a new fancy wardrobe. The wall was decorated beautifully and I was speechless now, for real. I turned to look at him and he shrugged and looked away smiling.

"Is the crib for Katie?" I asked and he nodded and looked at me while he came closer to touch my face lightly.

"I wanted her to have her own bed just like Kasey does and here, take this baby monitor, it will help you to know when they are awake if you are busy with something else" he said and handed the monitor to me. God! he was a darling. I wasn't even expecting it at all. I hugged him immediately. He was surprised and froze for a second before he touched me on my back and hugged me back as if he was scared. He was rubbing my back slowly with his hands while I hugged him, his body was so warm and he smelled so sweet. Our bodies were a perfect fit and I felt like staying in his arms forever. It was like, I was home. I felt so relaxed then I whispered a 'Thank you' that was filled with emotions. He built a crib for Katie, it's unbelievable, that means Katie got to share Kasey's room with her. I was still finding it very difficult to believe. It's so sweet of him and I was totally overwhelmed by his kind act.

I looked up at him and smiled before I left him and he released me from the hug. I remembered that Dana was working half day and it was already time for her to go. By the way I needed to feed the kids. So I went downstairs to finish up my laundry before Dana was ready to go home and feed the girls.

While I was in the living room feeding the girls, Alex came downstairs and sat with me on the sofa. I blushed a bit and looked at him while he smiled.

"Lily, I will really love to take you out for dinner tonight, do you mind?" he said to me. To many things were happening in just this day.

"Well, do I have a choice? I can't say no" I said. God knows that my subconscious girl was jumping for joy inside. I was very happy that he wanted to take me out for dinner. I would be so damned if I said no to this. "What about the kids?" I asked because, it just slipped into my mind immediately and he smiled.

"We'll take them along dear, there's nobody that can stay with them and when you are done feeding them, wear something casual." he said then he climbed upstairs. I sure wasn't expecting this.