Chapter Thirty-One


He looked so heavenly in his casual button-up shirt and plain trousers. I stared at his arm lovingly because he happened to fold his shirt up to his elbow and I was surprisingly turned on by just looking at his hands in that shirt. He carried Kasey while I carried Katie as he drove us to a small but fancy restaurant.

I was nervous and a bit tense because I did not even know the best way to behave there, especially in front of him.

"Lily, relax. be free, be yourself. I'm not a stranger, you don't have to act or pretend when you are with me okay." He said, smiling at me with Kasey on his lap and I smiled back at him and nodded my head.

I think he must have noticed how tense I was. Other people in the restaurant, especially women kept looking at us, some talked about us and it made me a bit shy. I wonder what they were saying. I looked at my dress to make sure nothing was wrong with me. When I raised my head, I saw him smiling at me. Oh God!, He caught me checking myself out. I wore a dark green short flared gown that had a keyhole in the chest area so it exposed a few of my boobs and my laps, then I wore strap-on sandals on my feet and wore a little makeup with bright red lipstick to outline my bold lips. He said I should dress up casual and that is what I did, though I decided to add a little touch of sexy to the casual. Maybe that was why people, were staring at me, but he did not complain about the dress so I just ignored the stares. The waitress came up to our table and gave us the menu.

I stared at the menu but my eyes kept straying to Alex's arms. I wonder how I have not noticed how sexy his arms were till this evening.

"She will have the same thing with me," Alex said. It was his voice that distracted me from my thoughts. I think I have stared at the menu for so long so he felt that I was confused about what to order. I was getting distracted with his strong, sexy arms in front of me. I looked up at the waitress who smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

"You have a really beautiful family," she said to us before she left.

I blushed while Alex looked at me and repeated."Beautiful family huh?" and smiled.

I was happy just being with him. I asked him what his job was and he laughed while he explained to me that he was the CEO of a publishing company. I was surprised though. I was expecting him to say that he was a banker or lawyer. We talked about a lot of things, he asked me about my education and I told him that I could not afford to go to college because I had to pay my mum's bills and all that. It would have been very stressful for me to combine it with college. He was quiet while I told him this stuff and we ate in silence for some time and sometimes played with Kasey and Katie who were trying to make sure they touched everything their hands reached.

We drove home with the music playing a bit loud to drown the silence and awkwardness that followed. I texted Lia to ask her how she was and tell her how I've been. When we got home, he handed Kasey to me and said he had work he needed to do immediately. I just nodded quietly and carried Kasey from him as he rushed upstairs.

I took the girls to shower them and prepare them for bed. When they were asleep, I laid them in their different cribs and went back to my room so that I could shower and change into something comfortable. While I showered, I thought of the dinner I had with Alex and wondered what went wrong. Why did he become so cold again within a split of seconds? I thought we were getting along now. I thought we were past the attitudes now. When I was done I lay on my bed and tried to sleep but sleep was far away from me. I tossed and turned on my bed trying hard to drift to sleep but I couldn't sleep. I lay on my back with my fingers interlaced on my belly. My mind drifted off to my mum, I thought of Justin. I wonder how he was living now, knowing that by now I must have given birth. I was restless with the fact that Alex just acted cold on me again this night. I wasn't happy at all. My throat was parched and I needed to drink water so I went downstairs to get some.

"Couldn't sleep?" Alex said. I was shocked because I was not even expecting to see him there in the living room. I thought he was in his room. I was shirtless and wore jogger pant that was down on his waist and showed off a bit of his boxer shorts. I nodded my head and my eyes were stuck on the happy trail on his lower abdomen. Why was I noticing all these things now? His tummy was tight with muscles and damn! he was hot especially now that he just sat on the sofa as if he didn't care about a single thing in this world. I felt like running my fingers on his body right now. I tightened my legs when I thought of different ways, the magnificent body that I was staring at could pleasure me. He was looking at me, I hadn't realized it till I saw his dark eyes on me, I shivered. An unknown tension was building up between the two of us, I turned to the refrigerator immediately to take the water I came downstairs for. I almost forgot why I was downstairs. Immediately I turned to go I was face to face with Alex's body.

"Lily," he said with a husky voice that dripped with desire. I agree that Alex has a very sexy body, but his voice especially when he was horny or sleepy was something else. I looked up at him and involuntarily licked my lips. I liked what I saw in that dark sexy eyes of his. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. He kept on looking at me, probably waiting for me to give him a go-ahead order to devour me. I smiled to myself and touched his stomach, trailing his obvious abs with my fingers lightly. He groaned and in a split of seconds, he was on my neck. he kissed my neck and held my waist while he worked up to my sensitive ears. I was lost not until the baby monitor beeped. One of the girls must have woken up. He stopped and sighed.

"I hate to let you go now Lily, but they need you more than I do. I'll finish what I started, I promise," he said in a low real sexy voice while he released me to go check up on the girls. He had a very serious hard-on and we both looked at it and I smiled at him while he chuckled and waved me off before I went upstairs with my water in my hand.