Chapter Thirty-Two


The doorbell rang and I wondered who the hell it was that was at the front of my door by this time of the day. It was evening though. I had just gotten back from work and I was so tired. I just wanted to eat my pizza, rest my aching legs and maybe have a little nap. I was too busy with work and had not even had the time to text or call Suzy, I bet she too was occupied with the troubles of caring for two little girls to have the time to text, I felt bad for her. When I did not move from where I lay on the couch, the person rang the doorbell again. It's about time that I checked out who it was. I just wasn't ready for any unwanted visitors.

"I'm coming," I shouted while I struggled to push myself up and out of the couch. I opened the door and I was shocked by my bones. I thought I was dreaming. I blinked my eyes and rubbed my hands on my eyes to make sure I was not hallucinating now. I had not taken any drinks or smokes so I was not high on anything so this was as real as fuck.

"Hey Lia, I got us drinks. Can I come in?" Kevin said smiling mischievously as he stepped past me into the house. One of the biggest shocks of my life. I know I've been daydreaming of him, thinking of him unknowingly and all those stuff, but damn, he was the last person that I expected to be standing in front of my door this evening. I thought he just decided not to call or text me again since I was not giving him the green light to make advances towards me. He did not even wait for me to usher him into my house. I was just surprised at what just happened now.

"Won't you like to sit down now, you've been standing at the door for close to three minutes now." He said laughing at me. I sat down quietly on another couch close to the one he was sitting on though. I did not even know how I could react to it. Should I be angry that he just badges into my house and is eating my fuckn' pizza without asking me or should I be happy that he paid me a surprise visit and that's what I have been wishing for? Well, I was happy inside. Just looking at his beautiful body now made me squirmy inside.

"You have been avoiding me, Lia. Why?" he asked before he crossed his legs and put his fingers under his jaw. I couldn't say a word. The truth is that I was avoiding him in the beginning because I did not want another epic heartbreak like what Elvis did to me, I liked Kevin and I would not want a casual fling with him, he was different from others. I wanted something more solid and I was in doubt that he could go me that. By the way, he stopped calling or texting me so I felt that my plan worked out. I looked at him and he tilted his head in a way that said "Why?" I just shook my head and smiled.

"Okay okay you got me Kev, but you were not calling or texting again so I wasn't avoiding you," I said and shrugged like, see it was not my fault.

"You did not call either to know how I was or know the reason why I hadn't called or texted you." He said again.

I stood up and brought glasses for the drink he brought, I needed a bit of alcohol in my system now to deal with this evening. It was too much for me to handle. I did not bother, answer his question because I know my answer would reveal that I was avoiding him. When I touched the bottle in front of him, he put his hand on mine and I looked up at him.

"Let me..." he said smiling.

That half sentence meant a lot of things but I slipped my hands from under his and allowed him to open the drink and pour it into the glasses. I was not hungry for the pizza again because just drinking in Kevin's beautiful body in front of me right now made me so full, but hungry for a taste of him.

I was a bit myself now after having two glasses, the wine was really strong and I liked how it made me feel. We talked about random things and he asked things about my childhood and all. He was a very cool guy and we just sat there, drinking and talking. I kept looking at his body from time to time and I must say, when I imagined the wild things he could do to me I had to tighten my legs, my panties were wet from just looking at him talk and demonstrate with his arms. While I was busy lusting and dreaming, my phone beeped and it was a text from Suzy saying that Alex made a crib for Katie and took her out for dinner. Well, good for her, she was kicking it forward with Mr. Sex god. I looked up at Kevin and his dark eyes were on me. He looked at me as if I was his last meal and he was thinking if or not to do whatsoever was going through his mind. He wanted me. I could see it in his eyes. I had to let go of the fear I had in me and enjoy the moment while it lasts. I stood up from where I sat and went over to where Kevin sat. His gaze followed me till I sat down on the couch with him.

"I want to kiss you," I said staring deep into his eyes.

All I could see was desire and want. Before I could even think of kissing him, his lips were on mine. I was surprised and I smiled to myself. He grabbed my slim waist and pulled me up to straddle him and pressed my body to his while I put my hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. It was very passionate and dripped with raw desire and lust. I ran my hands all through his body. I know that just looking at Kevin's body was dreamy but touching it with him kissing me like nothing else mattered to him in this world than me was heavenly. He slipped his hands inside my shirt and ran his fingers along my bareback. My body buzzed with every touch and left me wanting more, but he stopped. My lips were swollen from the kiss and my eyes were already sunken from pleasure.

"You will go on a date with me," he said and smiled. He did not bother asking me.

"You know you can ask me to go on a date with you, proud ass," I said and swatted him on his chest with my hands.

"Will you?" he asked laughing at me and I nodded. I liked him so why won't I give it a try. it was getting late, so he stood up to go home. I followed him to the door and he stopped and turned to me.

"Thank you, and I love the way you kiss me," he said smiling then he hugged me and kissed my forehead. Well, no guy has ever told me that and it made me blush. When he released me from the hug, we said our goodnights then he left while I went back to the couch where we sat, hugging myself and thinking of the kiss I just had this evening. The evening was nothing I had ever expected, compared to how I laid on the couch tired, earlier before Kevin came.