Chapter Thirty-Four


Thinking of Alex's kiss alone made me feel horny and I was wondering what it would be like to have sex with him. Our little make out session in front of the pool made me feel so good and I loved the way he held me and how he touched me, in the most gentle but wanted way. I just had a positive notion that things were going to be better between the both of us and it made me smile to myself while I was breastfeeding Kasey. When I woke up, he had already gone to work so I was at home with just Dana and the girls. Lia sent me a text telling me she kissed Kevin and that she will come over after work. I could not wait to hear the full story. I noticed that something might go on between the two with the way they behaved towards each other the day they met but I did not expect that it would happen this fast. Well that is typical of Lia. My impatient best friend. When I was done breastfeeding the girls, I waited till they slept before I went downstairs to do my stuffs.

My cell phone rang and I looked at the caller, I did not recognize who it could be and the number was not like a personal number. Could it be Alex? That is what I thought though, I answered it.

"Good day, please am I speaking with Miss Suzy?" the caller said. I was a bit surprised because I did not even recognize the voice of the caller and it was a male's voice.

"Yes, I'm Suzy, is there any problem?" I said because I was curious and anxious to know the reason behind the call.

"I'm calling from Crestfall hospital, can you come now?" My heart stopped beating for a second and immediately, beads of sweat broke out on my forehead. I could not say anything. The caller, called my name several times and what kept on going through my mind was my mum.

"Is my mum alive?" I managed to say out of fear. He did not respond immediately. He kept quiet for sometime.

"I think it will be best if you come over as soon as possible." He said then he hung up immediately.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I hurried upstairs to change into something better. I was contemplating on going with the girls or leaving them behind then I remembered that Dana may leave before I came back so I carried them and stopped a cab which took me straight to Crestfall hospital. I went straight to my mum's ward and I did not see her there. The room was already cleaned up. I went straight to the nurses and asked them of my mum then they directed me to the doctor. I just wanted to see my mum and a part of me wanted to see her alive even though I knew the obvious truth. When I got to his office, I told him who I came to see and he told me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. I sat down with the two girls in front of me. My hands were seriously aching and my heart was beating very fast.

"Your mum passed away like an hour ago. The nurse in charge said she was still breathing when the did her daily vital signs and found out that she was dead when it was time for her eleven o'clock medication since she was on hourly injections." He said and my heart twisted. I was weak in my legs. I knew that she was dying but I was not expecting it to happen this soon. How everything happened to just change so much in just the space of one year was alarming. I have a baby and now my mum was dead. I needed to pay off the remaining bills. She struggled to live for a very long time, it was time for her to rest. I felt like I've lost half of my world. She was almost everything to me and losing her this way without saying goodbye for the last time pained me more. I could not even bear to see her lifeless body now because it will only put me in a deeper pain. I left the doctor's office and sat on one of the chairs at the reception then I called Lia to tell her that mum was dead.

"Oh my God, Suzy love." Lia said as she sat beside me and hugged me, trying to comfort me. She quickly carried Katie from me then she held my hand and consoled me while I cried. Within few minutes, Alex and Kevin came into the reception. I was surprised to see them so I looked at Lia with my eyes filled with questions.

"I had to call them." she said as if she was pleading with me. I know it would be impossible for me to hide my mum's death from Alex but I did not want him to see me in this state, with watery eyes and leaking nose. Kevin carried Kasey from me while Alex came closer and hugged me tight while he whispered words of comfort to my ears. I cried and memories of my mum kept floating inside my head and my tears seemed like they would never end. He rubbed his palm on my back while he consoled me and it made me feel like I was home, I was happy that at least at this time of my life I had Lia, Alex and Kevin who left their work places to console me. I wonder how I would have managed to go through this alone. We stayed that way for some minutes then he looked at my face. He brought out his handkerchief from his pocket and dried my tears then he kissed my forehead. Kevin came closer to me and squeezed my hands in a comforting way then he nodded slightly at me before he went over to Lia.

"Can we go home now?" Alex said to me then I told him that I needed to pay up the remaining balance of the hospital bill. He followed me while Kevin and Lia waited for us with Kasey and Katie. He paid off the balance then he held my hands as if I was a little girl that was scared. I was scared though. Scared of what my world would be like without my mum. I was vulnerable at this point in my life but I just needed to rest because my head was seriously aching so bad.