Chapter Thirty-five


"Hey dude, Lia just called me now saying that Suzy lost her mum few hours ago." Kevin said.

When I answered his phone call, I was expecting him to maybe tell me something different and not this. My mood became so sour within a split of seconds. He told me that he was about to go to the hospital and that I needed to be there for Suzy. I was already on my feet. When he hung up the call, I took my jacket and my car keys in a hurry. Sara must have been surprised at the way I came out of my office as if I was being chased. She looked at me, curious though. I just told her that I may not come back to the office again for the day and she nodded quickly while I rushed out of the building.

I drove as fast as I could. The traffic jam was not anything that I needed now because I was sad for Suzy and I needed to be with her as soon as possible. I wondered how she was taking the sad news. I felt her pain deep inside of me and I knew what she was going through, her mum was her only family apart from Katie. The traffic jam cleared up after few minutes and I drove straight to Crestfall hospital. Almost immediately after I drove into the parking lot, Kevin drove in too. I waited for him while he parked his car so we went into the hospital together. Immediately, we stepped into the reception hall I looked around in search of Suzy and Lia, then I saw where they sat, she came with the girls. It must have been very hard for her. I walked quickly to her with Kevin, following me quietly.

I know he felt really awkward about this, he was the type of person that really don't know how to console someone, so maybe he was probably battling with what he could say to Suzy. When I looked at her, my heart tightened with pain. It hurt me so much to see her crying. Her eyes were already swollen and seriously, she was not taking it well. Kevin went straight to her and carried Kasey away from her while I hugged her and whispered words that I think could try to console her. When it seemed like she was now getting hold of her emotions after crying for about twenty minutes, I took out my handkerchief and cleaned her eyes because the tears made her face messy. But she was still as beautiful as ever despite the teary face. She smiled at me weakly then I kissed her forehead. I just wanted her to know that even though her mum was gone now, she was not alone. I have fallen so deep for her that I doubt I will ever let go of her even if she weans Kasey. I intend to have her around always.

She said she had some balance remaining from the hospital bill which she had to pay off. I followed her to the financial department of the hospital. I intend to not just love her,but care for her, protect her and provide for her. She was now my responsibility and with that, I paid off the remaining debt. She disagreed with me and insisted on paying but I had to tell her that if she allowed me this time,I won't interfere in any of her debt again, well I'm just kidding about it and she knows but she just gave up the fight. I just think she was too weak to fight with me about that. I led her back to where Kevin and Lia stood talking with Katie and Kasey in their arms. They looked cool together and when we arrived to where they stood we decided to meet at my house. I and Suzy were going to take my own car while Kevin would drive Lia. We took the girls from them and went over to where I parked my car. By now, it was evening and obviously there was no need going back to the office. By now Dana must have gone home, so obviously we won't meet her. We drove in silence and the silence was killing me. I looked at Suzy, she placed her head on the window and stared into the thin air, she was probably thinking about something, who knows. I stretched one of my hands across and squeezed her shoulder lightly in a reassuring manner. I would have loved to hold her hand through out the ride butshe was carrying the two girls so I had to just make sure of even the slightest body contact. She looked at me, our eyes met and I smiled at her, she smiled back at me, but her smile was weak.

"Have you eaten today?" I asked. I don't even know why I had to ask that question, maybe I felt she was weak because of how she stayed. She nodded yes. I know it would be just breakfast that she had and she had already cried with her last strength. Katie started crying, I think she was hungry or so. Suzy tried to stop her and when she seemed like she won't stop, she decided to feed her. I took pity on her, a hungry woman, still breastfeeding. My phone rang immediately after she started breastfeeding both girls. When I looked at who was calling, my mood changed. I was not expecting her to call. I was thinking it's Kevin maybe trying to tell me that they were there already.

"Hello" I said in a low voice. I was red with fury. How could she just come to my house without informing me first about her visit. I hung up the call and threw my phone back to where it was. My hands tightened on the wheel till my knuckles were white. What did she come for, she would probably say that she came to see Kasey, but still she could have called me first and not visiting me by surprise. Suzy looked at me.

"Alex, what is wrong?" she asked. I was too angry to talk but I just had to calm down.

"My mother in-law is at home. Anyways, the mother of my dead wife." I said. I don't know why I was suddenly angry at her, maybe I was angry at her interfering with my marriage by telling Julie to stay away from me when she was pregnant, like it's so fucked up. I took out my phone immediately and called Kevin to tell him that Julie's mum was at home. I know Suzy was quiet but she had many other questions she wanted to ask me about Julie and her mum because it's obvious that I'm not happy with her visit. We just drove in silence while I prepared myself physically, emotionally and mentally for what Julie's mum was going to do when we got home. I don't know if Kevin would still come over, I bet he would do a U-turn back to his house or something.