Chapter Thirty-Six


I've never seen Alex in such a scary mood before. I was not surprised at all. I knew that cool guys like him had a chance of having a very bad temper. He struggled to control himself. Deep down, I was curious. I wanted to know why he was so furious about his mother-in-law's visit, though it being a surprise visit was a reason to be mad but something was lying underneath that excuse. What was his wife like?

We drove home quietly and I don't know what Kevin said to him but I have a feeling that he was not coming over with Lia. How bad is this woman? Now I was anxious to see what she looked like. When we got home, she was sitting in the living room, she was watching a boring show, maybe it was boring for me but she seemed to be too into the show. She looked too serious as she stood up and glared at me in a wicked way. I froze under her gaze. She was not what I imagined. I must have imagined that she was like every other mother I've ever come across. I could not believe she was the mother of Alex's wife. She looked like a working-class lady, I bet she's one. She had a very serious face, I wondered if she even laughed at all. She wasn't short neither was she tall. She had black short hair and I must say, she's elegant for her age. Alex cleared his throat. He was uncomfortable, I could see how he looked at me as if he was trying to pass a message to me. I took my eyes away from him to look back at his "mother-in-law" who was now looking at him. It was very obvious that she was not happy with my presence.

"How is my granddaughter?" she said as she carried Kasey away from Alex. "And who is she?" she asked and sent me an evil glare from my head to my toes. She looked at me as if she was disgusted by my presence.

"She's Suzy, Kasey's wet nurse. Lily, this is my mother-in-law." Alex said, trying to introduce us to ourselves.

"Oh wow, she has a pet name and a baby too, or is Lily her second name? And why is she still with you by this time?" she asked and looked at Alex whose brows furrowed.

"She is a live-in wet nurse. She takes care of Kasey even while I'm at work. I find it very difficult to combine it with work." He said with anger then he looked at me.

"If only Julie did not kill herself, she would have been taking care of her baby by herself." She said and focused her gaze on Kasey as if she did not say anything. Well, I did not expect that at all, did his wife commit suicide? I had so many questions. I looked at Alex, now he was red with fury. Was there something that I don't know going on here?

"Lily, can you give us a little time?" he said then I smiled and nodded my head at him before I turned towards the staircase with Katie in my arms.

I was still shocked by what I heard. I entered my room and prepared Katie for bed. She was sleeping with me on my bed tonight. There was no way I would lay her in that crib away from me with Alex's mother-in-law in the house because it's very obvious that she doesn't want me here. I just have to be on the low for now while she is still around. The truth is that I was scared of her. My phone rang immediately, and it was Lia. At least talking to her now could help to distract me from what was happening downstairs or what Alex's mother-in-law said.

"Kevin told me that Alex's mother-in-law came so we could not come over as planned," she said quietly. I knew it was the reason why they decided not to come over.

"Did he tell you the reason why he was avoiding her?" I asked. Maybe I could get some information from her, my curiosity was getting the best out of me.

"Nah, and I didn't bother to probe and that's why I'm calling, to know how you are and what the woman is like," she said. I told her how she looked at me as if I was a disgusting little bigger and what she said about Alex's wife killing herself. Lia was surprised just as I was.

"Lia, I'm scared of that woman, she's too cold and serious. I wonder how she is a mother." I said. Just remembering her face sent chills all over my body. I just wondered how I would stay around her, I wasn't staying in this house with her tomorrow. After we said goodnight to each other, she hung up while I laid down to sleep.

I heard my door open and I jerked up immediately from my sleep. It was already late in the night. I turned my bedside lamp on and Alex walked up to where I sat on my bed with Kasey in his hands. He did not look happy but he tried his best to put up a smile. He handed Kasey over to me then I carefully laid her beside Katie. The bed is big enough for the three of us so it wasn't a problem. He sat down on the bed then he looked at me from my face down to my neck and my boobs which my transparent nightwear did little to cover. With him gawking at me that way at a very close range, my nipples got hard and peeked through my see-through nightwear. He swallowed hard.

"Lily, I'm so sorry for what happened downstairs," he said then he held my hand. " No offense taken," I said and smiled. He wasn't happy and I wished that I could help him out. I wanted to ask him about what his wife's mum said but I knew it was not good timing so I left it for another time.

"She will be going tomorrow, so don't be scared okay," he said as he touched my cheeks. I blushed, I was so enjoying the light body contact between us. I nodded my head then he stood up to go.

"Goodnight Lily, and sorry for disturbing you," he said as he walked over to the door.

"Fuck!" he said as he turned back and walked straight to me then he sat down back and with the speed of light, our lips were on each other. He kissed me so hard that I moaned in pleasure. His hands roamed all over my body and it felt so good. He teased my already hard nipples with his hands through my nightwear and I tightened my legs immediately, I was already wet and I wanted more. He groaned as he sucked on my neck while I touched him all over his body. If we continued, we could end up having sex and maybe disturbing the girls who were sleeping already so I just detached myself from him then I hugged him so tight before I whispered a low goodnight in his ears. He smiled and kissed my forehead then he left my room.